Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Statement: JusticeMakers Bangladesh Condemns Murder of Gay Islamic Religious Leader in Dhaka

JusticeMakers Bangladesh, a human rights organization in Bangladesh, expresses grave concern over the recent murder of Maulana Jalal Uddin Jalali, a gay Islamic religious leader allegedly stabbed to death in his home in Dhaka on April 20th, 2023.

The rights organisation urges the government to conduct a transparent investigation and ensure a fair trial for the accused, as well as take measures to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

JusticeMakers Bangladesh Launches Urgent Call for Decriminalization of Homosexuality in Bangladesh

In a historic move, human rights group JusticeMakers Bangladesh has launched an urgent call for the decriminalization of homosexuality in the country. The organization has petitioned the Honourable President of the People's Republic of Bangladesh to repeal Section 377 of the Bangladesh Penal Code, which criminalizes consensual sexual acts between adults of the same sex.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

How can society promote equality and respect for LGBTQI+ rights in Bangladesh?

Shahanur Islam
As a society, we often tout our commitment to human rights and equality for all, but the reality for members of the LGBTQI+ community in our country is far from ideal. Discrimination and violence based solely on sexual orientation or gender identity remain prevalent, and progress toward greater acceptance and inclusion has been slow.

Friday, March 31, 2023

JusticeMakers Bangladesh Quarterly Newsletter (Jan-Mar 2023)

"We are excited to present the inaugural issue of the JusticeMakers Bangladesh quarterly newsletter, encompassing January to March 2023. This release signifies a significant milestone in our relentless journey towards advancing human rights, justice, and development in Bangladesh. 

Through this newsletter, we endeavor to keep our readers well-informed about our ongoing initiatives, notable achievements, and the challenges we confront as we diligently pursue our mission.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

JusticeMakers Bangladesh Calls for Fair Trial and Justice in the Murder of Bisexual Architect in Dhaka

Bangladeshi human rights organization JusticeMakers Bangladesh is gravely concerned about the recent murder of bisexual architect Imtiaz Mohammad Bhuiyan, who was beaten to death in Dhaka in March 2023 after refusing to pay blackmailers.

JusticeMakers Bangladesh calls upon the government to ensure a fair and transparent trial for the accused, after a quick and transparent investigation, and to take steps to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.

According to news published on different media and information received from reliable sources, JusticeMakers Bangladesh learned that Imtiaz Mohammad Bhuiyan, a bisexual community architect, went missing after leaving his house on March 7.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

JusticeMakers Bangladesh Calls for Exemplary Punishment for Death of Female Government Employee in RAB Custody

Human rights organization JusticeMakers Bangladesh is deeply concerned and outraged over the death of a female government employee in the custody of the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) in Naogaon Sadar.

JusticeMakers Bangladesh calls for exemplary punishment for those responsible, in a fair trial according to the Torture and Death in Custody (Prevention) Act 2013, by forming a judicial committee to investigate the incident and identify the perpetrators.

The human rights organization believes that the death of a female government official in RAB custody is a grave violation of the basic human rights declared by the United Nations and provided for in the Bangladesh Constitution.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

JusticeMakers Bangladesh Expresses Concern Over Forced Video Confession of Gay Couple in Jessore Circulated on Facebook

The human rights organization, JusticeMakers Bangladesh, is deeply concerned about the forced confession video of a gay couple in Jessore that was circulated on Facebook on March 20, 2023, by a Facebook page called "Motion by Hannan."

JusticeMakers Bangladesh calls upon the concerned authorities to swiftly identify the accused persons in this incident, file criminal cases against them, and provide exemplary punishment in a fair trial.

The video shows a man forcing two gay men to confess against their will. Additionally, it shows a garment worker, a sexual minority gay named Hridoy from Comilla, who came to Jessore to marry a rickshaw puller named Jibon for love. The accused video holder defamed them by creating an intimidating atmosphere. Furthermore, the accused video holder threatened to inform the teenagers' parents about the incident via mobile phone. During this, the accused video holder molested a gay teenager by dressing him up, especially his hair, and putting lipstick on his lips. Moreover, the accused video holder threatened to take action against the gay teenage couple to stop the marriage and expel them from Jessore by calling the police administration and local chairman and members.

Friday, March 24, 2023

সমগ্র বিশ্বের ১৪ মানবাধিকারকর্মীকে এলিসি প্রাসাদে ফ্রান্স প্রেসিডেন্টের সংবর্ধনা প্রদান

গত ১৭ মার্চ ২০২৩, শুক্রবারে ফ্রান্স প্রেসিডেন্ট ইমানুয়েল ম্যাক্রো প্যারিসের এলিসিয়ে প্রাসাদে সারা বিশ্ব থেকে আগত চৌদ্দ জন মানবাধিকারকর্মীকে সংবর্ধনা প্রদান করেন। বাংলাদেশের বিশিষ্ট মানবাধিকার আইনজীবী এবং জাস্টিসমেকার্স বাংলাদেশের প্রতিষ্ঠাতা শাহানুর ইসলাম ছিলেন তাদের একজন।

ফ্রান্স পররাষ্ট্র ও ইউরোপিয়ান ইউনিয়ন বিষয়ক মন্ত্রী ক্যাথেরিন কলোনা, স্বরাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রনালয়ের সচিব সোনিয়া ব্যাকস, ফ্রান্স মানবাধিকার এম্বাসেডর ডেলফিন বরিওন এবং ফ্রান্স শরণার্থী অভ্যর্থনা এবং একীকরণের জন্য আন্তঃমন্ত্রণালয়ের প্রধান অ্যালাইন রেগনিয়ার সংবর্ধনা অনুষ্ঠানে উপস্থিত ছিলেন।

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Human Rights Lawyer Shahanur Islam Joins Hands with ARDHIS for Bangladeshi LGBTQI Asylum Seekers in France

On March 22, 2023, Shahanur Islam, a human rights lawyer from Bangladesh and the founder of JusticeMakers Bangladesh, met with Mr. Eric Lejeune from the Association for the Recognition of the Rights of Homosexual and Trans People to Immigration and Residence (ARDHIS) at the SPACE office in Boulogne-Billancourt, France. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the present situation of LGBTQI+ rights in Bangladesh and seek cooperation to improve the rights of sexual minorities in the country.

During the meeting, Mr. Islam highlighted the numerous challenges faced by LGBTQI+ individuals in Bangladesh, including physical assault, murder, threats, rape, sexual abuse, bullying, discrimination, social stigma, and psychological abuse. He also noted that these incidents often go unreported due to stigma and intolerance from families, society, and the state. Additionally, existing discriminatory laws criminalize same-sex activities and can lead to life imprisonment.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

French President Hosts Reception for Human Rights Defenders at Élysée Palace

Photo pose with president after reception at Elysee
On Friday, March 17th, 2023, the President of the Republic of France, Mr. Emmanuel Macron, hosted a reception at the Élysée Palace in Paris for fourteen human rights defenders from around the world. Prominent human rights lawyer and founder of JusticeMakers Bangladesh, Mr. Shahanur Islam, was one of them.

Mr. Islam was invited to speak as a laureate of the 2023 Marianne Initiative for Human Rights Defenders, which aims to support human rights defenders globally. The winners of the 2023 Marianne Initiative come from Bahrain, Bangladesh, Cameroon, Colombia, Iran, Mali, Uganda, Peru, Russia, El Salvador, Syria, and Venezuela, representing all continents.

Friday, March 17, 2023

UN Special Rapporteurs Express Deep Concern Over Harassment and Threats Against Bangladeshi Lawyer Shahanur Islam

In a joint communication issued on January 17, 2023, two United Nations Special Rapporteurs have raised serious concerns about the harassment and death threats faced by prominent Bangladeshi lawyer, Shahanur Islam. The communication, addressed to the Government of Bangladesh, calls for immediate action to protect Mr. Islam and ensure the safety of his family.

Margaret Satterthwaite, the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, and Victor Madrigal-Borloz, the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, have issued this communication in response to information they received regarding the alarming situation surrounding Mr. Shahanur Islam.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

New Platform to Fight Discrimination Against LGBTQI+ Community in Bangladesh

On March 16, 2023, Shahanur Islam, a human rights defender and lawyer from Bangladesh and also the founder of JusticeMakers Bangladesh, had an official bilateral meeting with Mr. Jean-Marc Berthon, the Ambassador for LGBT+ Rights of France, at his office in Paris."

During the meeting, Mr. Islam brought attention to the current human rights situation faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people in Bangladesh. He highlighted the challenges and difficulties they face in their daily lives, including discrimination, violence, and criminalization.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Human Rights Advocates Meet with French Ambassador to the Council of Europe

On March 13, 2023, Shahanur Islam, a prominent human rights defender, met with Ms. Marie Fontanel, the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of France to the Council of Europe, at her residence in Strasbourg, France. 

Islam was among 13 laureates of the Marianne Initiative for Human Rights Defenders 2023, who were invited to attend an exchange of views meeting regarding the current human rights situation in their respective countries. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Bangladesh Needs to Make Further Progress Towards Gender Equality

Advocate Shahanur Islam

On 8th March “International Women's Day” is a global day of celebration and advocacy. Today, the world, including Bangladesh is celebrating International Women's Day, with this year's theme of "innovation and technology for gender equality".

Women's rights organizations, government bodies, civil society groups, trade unions, and NGOs all over the world are holding events to celebrate the day. International Women's Day is an annual occasion that recognizes women's achievements in the social, economic, cultural, and political spheres.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

JusticeMakers Bangladesh calls for justice and protection for religious minorities in Bangladesh

Human rights organization JusticeMakers Bangladesh has condemned the recent attack on the Ahmadiyya community in Panchagarh district, northern Bangladesh, which left at least two dead and 100 injured on March 03, 2023. 

In a statement signed by the founder secretary-general of JusticeMakers Bangladesh, prominent human rights lawyer Shahanur Islam, the group called for justice and accountability for the victims, as well as an end to the persecution of religious minorities in Bangladesh.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

JusticeMakers Bangladesh expresses concern over killing of transgender women in Gazipur

JusticeMakers Bangladesh, a renowned human rights organisation, has expressed grave concern over the recent stabbing of a transgender person in Gazipur on 19 February early morning.

In a statement released on 05 March 2023, the rights organisation condemned the brutal killing of Abdul Khalek and called for immediate action to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Human Rights Lawyer Shahanur Islam Presents State of Human Rights in Bangladesh at France

Renowned Bangladeshi human rights lawyer and founder of JusticeMakers Bangladesh, Shahanur Islam, attended a project presentation event at the conference hall of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs in France on 03 March 2023.

Moderated by Ms. Delphine Borione, the Ambassador at large for Human Rights Ambassador in France, Shahanur Islam presented the state of human rights in Bangladesh, his journey as a human rights defender, and his project with the Marianne Initiative for human rights defenders in France.