Tuesday, June 1, 2010

STATEMENT of BIHR published on newspaper regarding to withdrawing bann on Facebook

HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT by Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) for the month of May 2010)

HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT by Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) for the Month May-2010

¯§viK bs-weAvBGBPAvi/GBPAviAvi/05/06/2010                                      ZvwiLt Ryb 01, 2010

ÒwePvi ewnf©~Z nZ¨vKvÛ eÜmn †`‡ki mvwe©K gvbevwaKvi Dbœq‡b miKvi cÖwZkÖƒwZe× n‡jI †`‡k gvbevwaKvi jsN‡bi NUbv µgvš^‡q †e‡oB P‡j‡QÓ

wePvi ewn©f~Z nZ¨vKvÛ eÜmn †`‡ki mvwe©K gvbevwaKvi Dbœq‡b miKvi cÖwZkÖƒwZe× n‡jI †g‡k gvbevwaKvi jsN‡bi NUbv µgvš^‡q Zv †e‡oB P‡j‡Q, hv ewn:we‡k¦ evsjv‡`‡ki fveg~wZ© ¶zbœ Ki‡Q| evsjv‡`k BÝwUwUDU Ae wnDg¨vb ivBUm& (weAvBGBPAvi) Gi gnvmwPe/wbe©vnx cwiPvjK GW. kvnvbyi Bmjvg ˆmKZ †`‡ki gvbevwaKvi cwiw¯’wZi G†nb AebwZ‡Z Zxeª †¶vf I Mfxi D‡ØM cÖKvk K‡i‡Qb Ges AbwZwej‡¤^ gvbevwaKvi Dbœq‡b †Rvov‡jv c`‡¶c MÖn‡bi Avnevb Rvwb‡q‡QY|  

weAvBGBPAvi Gi Z_¨ I M‡elbv †mj KZ…©K 1 †g Õ10 †_‡K 31 †g Õ10 ch©š— 12 wU RvZxq ˆ`wbK cwÎKvq cÖKvwkZ msev` I wbR¯^ †bUIqv‡K©i gva¨‡g msMÖnxZ Z‡_¨i wfwˇZ cÖbxZ I cÖKvwkZ ‡g -2010 gv‡m evsjv‡`‡ki gvbevwaKvi cwiw¯’wZ wbgœiƒct

The State of Human Rights for the Month of May 2010

Ref: BIHR/HRR/05/06/2010                                                                               Date: 01.06.10

Despite of promising to promote human right, especially stop all kind of Extra-judicial Killing in Bangladesh, the Incident of Human Rights Violation is Continuing

(The State of Human Rights for the Month of May 2010)

The Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation registered with the Department of Social Welfare, Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh based on the United Nation Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) dedicated to promote and protect human rights in Bangladesh. BIHR publishes its state of Human Rights for the period of May 01 to April 31, 2010. The report was prepared by the research and documentation cell of BIHR on the basis of report published on 12 national news papers from May 01 to May 31, 2010, fact-finding mission and its direct sources. BIHR is resents and is deeply concerned over the continuing human rights violations in Bangladesh despite the promises to promote human rights, especially in regards to Extra-judicial Killing. Adv. Shahanur Islam, the Secretary General of BIHR asks the Government to take prompt and effective measures ensuring and end to all kinds of violations as well as demands to investigate and bring the alleged perpetrations before the book, forming a special commission.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

NEWS: Announcing Recipients of the 2010 JusticeMakers Fellowship

International Bridges to Justice is proud to announce the winners of the 2010 Asia JusticeMakers Fellowship Competition. The following individuals were each awarded $5,000 Fellowships to implement proposals that exhibited relevancy, efficacy, practicability, and sustainability in an effort to curb legal abuse and promote rule of law within their local communities. Please click on the pictures to view the project proposal in its entirety.

Prevention of Torture througb Direct Legal Aid and Human Rights Education
Shahanur Islam (Bangladesh) is running training sessions to promote respect for human rights amongst local police, prison officials and lawyers in Dhaka, selecting volunteers from these groups to facilitate awareness-raising activities in the wider community. He is also collaborating with the local legal community to provide legal aid to prisoners from religious and ethnic minorities who have had their rights violated.
Legal Assistance for Indigent Accused and Juvenile Offenses in Vietnam
Oanh Hoang Ngo (Vietnam) is improving access to counsel for indigent juveniles and strengthening the Vietnamese juvenile justice system by enhancing the professional capacity of lawyers through skills-training courses on juvenile cases.  She is also establishing a charitable fund to finance legal assistance for indigent defendants.
Legal Aid for Women Pretrial Detainees
H.M. Harshi Chitrangi Perera (Sri Lanka) is building a systematic and competent pool of legal resources to alleviate the problems in the Sri Lankan legal system: lack of respect for the rights of the accused, their lack of knowledge of their rights, and poor training of defense attorneys. She will identify and provide a set of female pre-trial detainees with legal representation, educating female prisoners about their rights during the identification process. She will also compile a study on the state of female prison inmates for publication.
Access to Justice for Detainees: A Community Legal Empowerment Approach
Ajeng Larasati (Indonesia) is working to ensure that detainees exercise the right to legal counsel granted by the Indonesian Constitution. Collaborating with a detention center in Jakarta, he will create educational tools and enlist a team of lawyers and psychologists to inform the accused about their legal rights and teach them to assert these rights. The team will also train detainees who act as assistants to the prison warden to provide legal services to the accused.
Legal Empowerment of Under Trial Prisoners in Sub-Jails
Bijaya Chanda (India) is mobilizing local lawyers to train underprivileged and marginalized remand prisoners of five sub-jails in Kolkata in procedure to demand their basic legal rights. She is also raising awareness of the legal and constitutional rights of the remand prisoners amongst their families so that they can demand adherence to these rights and protest in cases of violation by the authorities.

1 Malaysia Juvenile Justice Panel
Yasmeen Shariff (Malaysia) is working with the government, police, parents, and social workers to provide an alternative to custody for accused juveniles in Kuala Lumpur. Upon arrest, these parties will work together to decide on an alternative, appropriate recourse, such as warning and caution, mediation, family conferencing, counseling or therapeutic treatment.
Supporting Juvenile Justice Reform in Georgia
Nana Chapidze (Georgia) is working to improve the juvenile criminal justice system in Georgia by establishing a resource center to create an information database and provide direct assistance to juveniles. She is also organizing trainings for legal defenders, preparing and issuing guidelines on juvenile justice for key actors, and creating brochures to raise public awareness about the rights of juvenile detainees.

Public Initiatives on Fulfilling of Rights of Prisoners to be Released Early
Rasul Agagasan Jafarov (Azerbaijan) is publicizing the right to early release for prisoners in Azerbaijan by holding trainings for prisoners and their families. He is also assembling a team of lawyers to provide legal assistance to prisoners.

Legal Literacy and Support to Victims
Muhammad Waqas Abid (Pakistan) is conducting ten seminars in rural areas of Punjab to educate brick kiln workers and agricultural laborers, those most susceptible to legal rights abuse, about their legal rights. He is also collaborating with local lawyers and NGO’s to establish a legal resource center to provide direct case support to the accused. Finally, he is working with local media channels to maximize coverage of legal abuse.
Empowering Women Paralegals against Agrarian Criminalization
Rosselynn Jae Garcia de la Cruz (Philippines) is creating a paralegal class to train local females as paralegals, so that they may quickly respond to arrests in agrarian communities of the Bondoc Peninsula. The paralegals will ensure the preservation of evidence, gather affidavits, and help farmers navigate the legal process.
Judicial and Human Rights Camps (PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD WINNER)
Junaid Khalid (Pakistan) is establishing “legal camps” throughout Karachi to provide citizens with direct and easily accessible legal advice and counsel. These camps, facilitated by lawyers, government officials, law enforcement and community leaders, will complement an online-based initiative offering citizens a platform to submit legal questions and access electronic legal rights education resources.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Human Rights Organizatin Concerns over the attact on Law Enforcing Agencies

URGENT APPEAL:Seeking justice through the proper investigation of the incident of killing due to torture by RAB

¯§viK bs-weAvBGBPAvi/Kzwgj­v/01/08/10/29                                                                               5 AvM÷, 2010

Aa¨vcK wgRvbyi ingvb
RvZxq gvbevwaKvi Kwgkb
evox # 6/3, e­K # wW
jvjgvwUqv, XvKv |

welqt Kzwgj­vi `vD`Kvw›`‡Z i¨v‡ei wbh©vZ‡b hye‡Ki g„Z¨yi NUbvwU h_vh_ Z`š—c~e©K cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖnb cÖms‡M|


gvbevwaKvi cÖwZôvb evsjv‡`k BÝwUwUDU Ae wnDg¨vb ivBUm& (weAvBGBPAvi)-Gi c¶ †_‡K ï‡f”Qv MÖnb Ki“b|

RvwZmsN KZ…©K M„nxZ Avš—R©vwZK gvbevwaKvi mb` (wej Ae ivBUm&)-Gi Av`‡k©i wfwˇZ cÖwZwôZ evsjv‡`k BÝwUwUDU Ae wnDg¨vb ivBUm& (weAvBGBPAvi) -Gi cÖwZôvjMœ ‡_‡K gvbevwaKvi i¶v I Dbœq‡b m`v wb‡qvwRZ|

Thursday, May 6, 2010

HUMAN RITHS REPORT: For the month of April 2010 (published on the daily Naya Digonto )

HUMAN RITHS REPORT: For the month of April 2010

Despite of promising to protect and promote human right in Bangladesh by the Government, the incident of human rights violation is gradually increasing.

(The State of Human Rights for the period of April 2010)

Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation registered with the Department of Social Welfare, Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh based on United Nation Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) dedicated to promote and protect human rights in Bangladesh. BIHR published its state of Human Rights for the period of April 01 to April 30, 2010. The report was prepared by the research and documentation cell of BIHR on the basis of report published in 12 national news paper, fact-finding mission and direct sources of BIHR. BIHR is deeply concerned over the gradually increasing the human rights violation in Bangladesh. Adv. Shahanur Islam, the Secretary General of BIHR asks the Government to stop the all kind of violation as well as demands to investigate and bring the allege perpetrators before the book by proper investigation.

Monday, May 3, 2010


HR report highlights extrajudicial killings, violence against women, journalists

  • April HR report
  • 28 incidents of HR violations against journalists
  • 10 extrajudicial killings
  • 836 people became victims of assault by law enforcing agencies
  • 11 incidents of HR violations by Indian Border Security Force (BSF)
  • 818 injured due to political violence
  • 161 people (including 9 women and 5 children) killed, 2732 people were injured in social violence

Some ten people were killed allegedly at the hands of law enforcers in April, according to a report prepared by the Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR).
Besides, 836 people became victims of assault allegedly by members of law enforcing agencies during the same period.


HR report highlights extrajudicial killings

Some ten people were killed allegedly at the hands of law enforcers in April, according to a report prepared by the Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR), reports UNB.
Besides, 836 people became victims of assault allegedly by members of law enforcing agencies during the same period.

On the other hand, nine law enforcers were killed in different incidents, including accidents, while they were on-duty. Besides, 164 others were injured and one remains missing from the same month.
The BIHR report based on published reports of different dailies also revealed that 11 incidents of HR violations were reportedly committed by Indian Border Security Force (BSF) across the frontier, claiming the lives of four people and injuring six others between April 1 and 30 April.


Only ten?
Some ten people were killed allegedly at the hands of law enforcers in April, according to a report prepared by the Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR). Besides, 836 people became victims of assault allegedly by members of law enforcing agencies during the same period.(UNB, Dhaka)

On the other hand, nine law enforcers were killed in different incidents, including accidents, while they were on-duty. Besides, 164 others were injured and one remains missing from the same month.

The BIHR report based on published reports of different dailies also revealed that 11 incidents of HR violations were reportedly committed by Indian Border Security Force (BSF) across the frontier, claiming the lives of four people and injuring six others between April 1 and 30 April.

HUMAN RITHS REPORT: For the month of April 2010 (published on UNB )

HR report highlights extrajudicial killings, violence against women, journalists

Reported by: UNBconnect
Reported on: May 02, 2010 20:16 PM
Dhaka, May 2 (UNB)- Some ten people were killed allegedly at the hands of law enforcers in April, according to a report prepared by the Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR).

Besides, 836 people became victims of assault allegedly by members of law enforcing agencies during the same period.

HUMAN RITHS REPORT: For the month of April 2010 (published on the daily Somakal )

Saturday, May 1, 2010

HUMAN RITHS REPORT: For the month of April 2010

gvbevwaKvi myi¶vq miKvi A½xKvie× n‡jI †`‡k gvbevwaKvi jsN‡bi NUbv µgvš^‡q †e‡oB P‡j‡Q|

gvbevwaKvi myi¶vq eZ©gvb miKvi A½xKvie× n‡jI ‡`‡k gvbevwaKvi jsN‡bi NUbv µgvš^‡q †e‡oB P‡j‡Q, hv ewn:we‡k¦ evsjv‡`‡ki fveg~wZ© ¶zbœ Ki‡Q| evsjv‡`k BÝwUwUDU Ae wnDg¨vb ivBUm& (weAvBGBPAvi) Gi gnvmwPe/wbe©vnx cwiPvjK GW. kvnvbyi Bmjvg ˆmKZ †`‡ki gvbevwaKvi cwiw¯’wZi G†nb AebwZ‡Z Zxeª wb›`v ÁvcY Ges Mfxi †¶vf I D‡ØM cÖKvk K‡i‡Qb|

weAvBGBPAvi Gi Z_¨ I M‡elbv †mj KZ…©K 1 GwcÖj Õ10 †_‡K 30 GwcÖj Õ10 ch©š— 12 wU RvZxq ˆ`wbK cwÎKvq cÖKvwkZ msev` I wbR¯^ †bUIqv‡K©i gva¨‡g msMÖnxZ Z‡_¨i wfwˇZ cÖbxZ I cÖKvwkZ GwcÖj -2010 gv‡m evsjv‡`‡ki gvbevwaKvi cwiw¯’wZ wbgœiƒct

HUMAN RITHS REPORT: For the month of April 2010