Wednesday, September 26, 2007

STATEMENT:Directorate General of Forces Intelligence, an invisible Government and Breeding Spot of Fabrication of False Cases

Adv. Shahanur Islam Saikot Programme Manager-Legal & Human Rights 
 The Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI) is an intelligence unit of Bangladesh Arm forces is headed by one Maj. General Golam Mohammad with his two closest associates (i) Brig. General Fazlul Bari (ii) Brig. General Amin having head quarter in Dhaka Cantonment. It has countrywide network based on all cantonments in Bangladesh.

Monday, September 24, 2007

STATEMENT:Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI), an Invisible Government Within Care Taker Government Has Become Prime Barrier in the Road

Adv. Shahanur Islam Saikot Programme Manager-Legal & Human Rights 
 Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI) is an intelligence unit of Bangladesh Arm forces under the command of Maj. General Golam Mohammad as Director Genaral and Director (i) Brig. General Fazlul Bari (ii) Brig. General Amin. They are based in Dhaka Cantonment with cantonment wise network all over the country. Officially they have no legitimacy to interfere in to politics.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

STATEMENT:Democracy & Human Rights Not Safe at the Hand of the Present Unconstitutional Gov’t of Bangladesh Backed by Army not supported by the People

Adv. Shahanur Islam Saikot Programme Manager-Legal & Human Rights 

 The present Army backed care taker government under Dr. Fakruddin Ahmed took oath on 11 January 2007 under the Constitution of Bangladesh Article 58 (C) with mandatory constitutional binding to hold general election within 90 days and hand over power to the people representative. 90 days time frame already crossed on 11 March 2007 but this gov’t could not yet hold the election.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

STATEMENT:Mysterious Steps of the Unconstitutional Caretaker Gov’t Confused the Secular Democratic Future of Bangladesh.

Adv. Shahanur Islam Saikot Programme Manager-Legal & Human Rights 
 The care taker gov’t took over power on 11.01.07 under Article 58 (c) of Bangladesh constitution .As per the said Article of the constitution the care taker Govt. only task is to hold election within 90 days and to hand over power to the people representative .But this care taker Gov’t keeping away their main objective has engaged its prime efforts to de-estabilize the main two political parities Bangladesh Nationalist Party (B.N.P)and Awami League (A.L) .

Thursday, August 16, 2007

STATEMENT: Enactment of Emergency Rule Has Authorized Law Enforcing Agency to Abuse Human Rights

Adv. Shahanur Islam Saikot Programme Manager-Lrgal & Human Rights 
On 11 January 2007, the army backed caretaker Government declared state of Emergency of Emergency under Article 141A (Proclamation of Emergency) 141B (Suspension of provisions of certain articles during emergencies) of Bangladesh Constitution. Under the said article during state of Emergency Article-36 (Freedom of movement) , Article-37(freedom of assembly) , Article-38 (Freedom of association) , Article-39(Freedom of thought and conscience, and of speech) , Article-40(Freedom of profession or occupation) , Article-42(Rights to property) remain suspend.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

STATEMENT:Patronization of Fundamentalist Militant by The Lt. General Masud Uddin Chowdhury is Being Hailed by The Top Leaders of Those Militants

Adv. Shahanur Islam Saikot Programme Manager-Legal & Human Rights 
 On 13 August 2007, the daily Inquilab and many others daily Newspaper published exciting news item that Lt. General Masud Uddin Chwdhury the second senior most Army officer of Bangladesh Army and principal staff officer (p s o) to the Chief adviser stated that there is no fundamentalist terrorist in Bangladesh while he was speaking as a chief guest in a session of developing rule of engagement and combating terrorism held in Dhaka cantonment on 12 august 2007.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

STATEMENT:The Present Army Backed Caretaker Gov’t Desiring to Institute a fabricated Case

Adv. Shahanur Islam Saikot Programme Manager-Legal & Human Rights 
 On 21 August 2004, there was massive grenade attack upon the Sheikh Hasina while she was addressing a mammoth gathering at the Bangabundhu Avenue in Dhaka. About 24 persons died on the spot and a few hundred received severe injuries. Sheikh Hasina escaped from death because she was immediately pushed in to her bullet proof Jeep by her party men. But her bulletproof jeep was seriously damager by her bullet shots and grenade splinters.

Monday, July 30, 2007

STATEMENT:Human Rights Abuses against the Former Prime Minister of Bangladesh and President of Bangladesh Awami League Sheikh Hasina

Adv. Shahanur Islam saikot Programme Manager-Legal & Human Rights 
 Sheikh Hasina, the former Prime Minister and President of Bangladesh Awami League was arrested on 16 July 2007 on a false and concocted charge of extortion of money in year of 2000. She is imprisoned in a sub jail and remaining out of contact from outside world. In such situation the anticorruption commission has asked to submit her property statement. As a president of the biggest political parties she was to open several Bank Accounts in various Banks.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

STATEMENT:The Continuing Policy of Reforming Political Party by the Present Caretaker Government is Nothing but Eyewash

Adv. Shahanur Islam Saikot Programme Manager-Legal & Human Rights 
 The present caretaker government’s administration is applying double standard using the same law for opposite purposes. The people of Bangladesh asked to the present gov’t ‘How can a political party be launched when all political activities are banned under a state of emergency?” We want to say that the same law could not be used for different purposes—favoring some while suppressing others. Now we are doubt if general elections would be held within the timeline announced by the Election Commission. In previous President of Bangladesh Awami League Sheikh Hasina expressed her doubt whether the polls would be held in time.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

STATEMENT:Immediate Withdrawal of Restriction on Political Activities is the Demand of the Moment to Control the Increasing Trend of Fundamentalist

Adv. Shahanur Islam Programme Manager-Legal & Human Rights A fundamentalist terrorist leader
 Mufti Mansurul Huq has been distributing a booklet Captioned “Afghan Zihad” with the call to organize Islamic militants to capture state power like Taliban of Afghanistan (See: Daily “Amader Shomoy” dated 10th July, 2007). Due to the imposition of restriction of secular political activities by the present Caretaker Govt., a political vacuum has been created. This has opened the doors to underground terrorist activities of Taliban-trained Islamic militants in Bangladesh. If the restriction of normal political activities is prolonged and election is delayed the militants will spread their domination among Madrasha students and masses of orthodox rural people. The Taleban of Afghanistan adopted the same tactics to dominate the Madrasha student and rural orthodox mass people.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

STATEMENT:Interfering the Judiciary and Political Activities by the Army Backed Present Caretaker Government is against Prime Constitutional

By- Adv. Shahanur Islam Saikot Programme Manager-Legal & Human Rights 
 The object of the caretaker government as per Bangladesh constitution Article 58(C) is perform routine play to day works to assist the election commission to hold the parliamentary election and hand over power to the elected representatives within 90 days as it was strictly mentioned in 1996 and 2001 by the then caretaker government. But this time the present caretaker gov’t keeping away their constitutional binding of holding election has taken up many unusual agenda in name of irradiation of corruption over night. Mr. Mainul Hossain, advisor of Law Justice, parliamentary and information affairs said in a news conference on 09 July 2007 that no bail by the court will be allowed to the persons charged with corruption. Allowing or not allowing bail to any person is sole lawful authority of concerned court.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

STATEMENT: Violation of Human Rights by Massive Detention Under special Power Act and Influence to Judiciary

By- Adv. Shahanur Islam Saikot Programme Manager-Legal & Human Rights 
 The present caretaker gov’t under Dr. Fakruddin Ahmed, the chief adviser of the caretaker government took over power on 11.01.2007 under the article of 58(C) of Bangladesh Constitution with the constitutional binding to hold parliamentary election and hand over power to the people representative within 90 days. But the gov’t is prolonging their power backed by Armed forces under Emergency Rule. This constitutional binding of holding free fair election is the prime object of the present caretaker gov’t. Previous two caretaker gov’t in 1996 and 2001 did the same. But the present caretaker gov’t in violation of constitution binding started massive arrest of political leaders, workers, businessmen and many others in the name of reform with a view to create panic so that the people of the Bangladesh can not rise their voice against unconstitutional prolonging of the power of the government.

Monday, July 9, 2007

STATEMENT: Priority of general election to uphold human rights

Adv. Shahanur Islam Saikot
Programme Manager-Legal & Human Rights

Under Dr. Fakruddin Ahmed, the chief adviser of the caretaker government took over power on 11.01.2007 under the article of 58(C) of Bangladesh Constitution with the constitutional binding to hold parliamentary election and hand over power to the people representative within 90 days. But the gov’t is prolonging their power backed by Armed forces under Emergency Rule. The government has restricted the movement of political leaders and workers to Sheikh Hasina, President of Bangladesh Awami league and Begum Khaleda Zia, Chairperson of Bangladesh nationalist Party (BNP) both are former Prime Minister of Bangladesh. The false cases have been instituted against Sheikh Hasina. In the name of reform of those two most popular political parties an attempt is on process under the shelter of the present government oust those two most popular leaders; both are ex prime minister of Bangladesh from future of politics of Bangladesh like Bengir Bhutta and Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan. Such attempt to depoliticalization of most popular political leaders will result in disintegration of those two major political parties which will create a serious political vacuum. Under such situation the fundamentalist terrorist will get opportunity to dominate the politics of Bangladesh and in the near future they will have the strength to take over power like Taleban of Afganistan. Such comment has been expressed in recent issue of Wall Street Journal. Here mentioned that some fundamentalist parties as jamatul Mujahedin, Jadid al Quaeda, Hijbut taohid, Tarika Federation are still continuing their activities across the country.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


By- Adv. Shahanur Islam Saikot 
Programme Manager-Legal &amp Human Rights


The present caretaker government backed by Army took power on 11 january 2007 as per Article 58(C0 of the Bangladesh constitution with the commitment to hold parliamentary election and hand over power within 90 days to the people representative as it is the constitutional binding as per above article. So the legal tenure was limited up to 30 th June of 2007. Sheikh Hasina put her demand to hold the election timely offer preparation of up to date voter list as per the high court verdict. The government with design to prolong its power did not pay any head to the legal demand of Sheikh Hasia and started to the following measures to shut her voice. 1. Imposition of restriction on indoor politics 2. Ripen the false case instituted against her by the last BNP- Jamat joint Government, which have been stayed by the high court as those were found false by the court. 3. Implicated her name in a murder case which was committed on 26 December 2006 in course of two rival political parties face to face procession.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

URGENT APPEAL:(Update)Ensure the immediate release and proper treatment of the General Secretary of Bangladesh Awami League

HUAMAN RIGHTS URGENT APPEAL PROGRAMME URGENT APPEAL CASE: (Update) BIHR UA-2007-05-31 DATE: May 31, 2007 ISSUE: Arbitrary arrest and detention; abuse of preventive detention under the state of emergency ================================== 

  URGENT APPEAL BANGLADESH: Ensure the immediate release and proper treatment of the General Secretary of Bangladesh Awami League. ================================== 

  Dear Friends, Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) has received updated information of alleged arbitrary arrest and detention under the Special Power Act (SPA), 1974 from Bangladesh. We were informed that Mr. Abdul Jalil, General Secretary of the Bangladesh Awami League party as well as the Former Minister of Trade Affairs, was arbitrarily arrested on 28 May 2007. The victim is currently being detained in preventive detention under section 3(1) of SPA. The BIHR is deeply concerned that political activist is being subjected to arbitrary arrest and detention by the caretaker government after the state of emergency was declared in January 2007. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

URGENT APPEAL:Ensure the immediate release and proper treatment of the General Secretary of Bangladesh Awami League.

DATE: May 29, 2007 
ISSUE: Arbitrary arrest and detention; abuse of preventive detention under the state of emergency ==================================

URGENT APPEAL BANGLADESH: Ensure the immediate release and proper treatment of the General Secretary of Bangladesh Awami League. 
Dear Friends, Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) has received information of alleged arbitrary arrest and detention under the Special Power Act (SPA), 1974 in Bangladesh. We were informed that Mr. Abdul Jalil, General Secretary of the Bangladesh Awami League party as well as the Former Minister of Trade Affairs, was arbitrarily arrested on 28 May 2007. The BIHR is deeply concerned that political activist is being subjected to arbitrary arrest and detention by the present caretaker government after the state of emergency was declared in January 2007. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

URGENT APPEAL: (Update) Ensure the immediate release and proper treatment of the General Secretary of Bangladesh Awami League

URGENT APPEAL CASE: (Update) BIHR UA-2007-06-03 
DATE: June 03, 2007 
ISSUE: Arbitrary arrest and detention; abuse of preventive detention under the state of emergency ================================== 
URGENT APPEAL BANGLADESH: Ensure the immediate release and proper treatment of the General Secretary of Bangladesh Awami League. 
Dear Friends, 
Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) has received updated information of alleged arbitrary arrest and detention under the Special Power Act (SPA), 1974 from Bangladesh. We were informed that Mr. Abdul Jalil, General Secretary of the Bangladesh Awami League party as well as the Former Minister of Trade Affairs, was arbitrarily arrested on 28 May 2007. The victim is currently being detained in preventive detention under section 3(1) of SPA. The BIHR is deeply concerned that political activist is being subjected to arbitrary arrest and detention by the caretaker government after the state of emergency was declared in January 2007.