Showing posts with label FACT FINDING REPORT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FACT FINDING REPORT. Show all posts

Sunday, March 31, 2013

FACT FINDING REPORT: Indigenous student beaten and tortured by the police during peaceful procession

Dhaka, August 15, 2011
Government security forces have denied any fault after physically attacking and indiscriminately beating 22 Jumma students during a peaceful demonstration of around 900 students of Khagrachari College for constitutional recognition of indigenous people in Bangladesh on the 7th of August 2011. Global Human Rights Defence Country Observer for Bangladesh and Co-Founder of JusticeMakers Bangladesh Advocate Shahanur Islam along with a team of four went to Khagrachari

Saturday, March 9, 2013

FACT FINDING REPORT: Arson attacks against indigenous Jumma in Chittagong Hill tracts

Dhaka, July 09, 2011 
JusticeMakers Bangladesh, along with Global Human Rights Defense, the Hague, the Netherlands has been conducted a fact finding investigation into the arson attacks against minority Jumma communities in the Chittagong Hill Tracts region of Bangladesh which occurred in February and April of 2011. In May 2011, Justice

Thursday, February 28, 2013

FACT FINDING REPORT: Death of a businessman in jail custody due to torture

Dhaka, January 07, 2012 
In December 2011, Advocate Sahanur Islam (Saikot), Founding Secretary General of JusticeMakers Bangladesh, Dhaka along with three members went to the spot to conduct a fact finding investigation mission on the incident of death of a businessman due to negligence of treatment: family member alleges of torture for bribe on the

Friday, January 25, 2013

FACT FINDING REPORT: Life of human rights defender, lawyer, blogger, journalist & writer is under risk

Dhaka: December 08, 2012
Mr. Shahanur Islam @ Saikot, founding secretary general of JusticeMakers Bangladesh, legal & human rights editor of the monthly Bengali magazine “Doyel” as well as member of the “Bangladesh Bar Council”and district “Bar Association of Dhaka” has been victimized in different occasions due to his activities to publish report on

Friday, September 28, 2012

Bangladesh Govt failing to ensure Human Rights of Minority Hindus : Alleges JusticeMakers Bangladesh

Chittagong, February 27, 2012: 
Bangladesh government is failing to ensure protection for its citizen and Hindu community which is a ‘minority. This is alleged by ‘JusticeMakers Bangladesh’, a human rights watchdog in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a secular ‘People’s Republic’ but having a strong dominance of the Islamic fundamentalists since

Sunday, February 12, 2012

তথ্যানুসন্ধান প্রতিবেদন: সম্পত্তি দখল ও সামাজিকভাবে হেয় প্রতিপন্ন করে রাজনৈতিক ও ব্যক্তিগতভাবে লাভবান হওয়ার উদ্দেশ্যে কতিপয় দুষ্কৃতিকারী শিশু হত্যার প্রকৃত ঘটনাকে ভিন্নখাতে প্রবাহিত করে দিনাজপুর মেডিকেল কলেজের সহকারী অধ্যাপক ডাঃ মোঃ আবুল কালাম আজাদকে ষড়যন্ত্রমূলকভাবে জড়িত করে জেল হাজতে প্রেরন করেন।

শিশু হত্যার মিথ্যে অভিযোগে ষড়যন্ত্রমূলকভাবে গত ২4 আগস্ট ২০১১ ইং তারিখে দিনাজপুর মেডিকেল কলেজের সহকারী অধ্যাপক ডাঃ মোঃ আবুল কালাম আজাদকে গ্রেফতার করে জেল হাজতে প্রেরন করেন। এসময় তিনি জেল হাজতে অসুস্থ হয়ে পড়লে অভিযুক্ত ভিক্তিমের স্ত্রী মোছাঃ মালেকা বানু দ্রুত ন্যায় বিচার প্রাপ্তির লক্ষ্যে যথাযথ তদন্ত সাপেক্ষে প্রয়োজনীয় ব্যবস্থা গ্রহনের জন্য মানবাধিকার প্রতিষ্ঠান বাংলাদেশ ইন্সটিটিউট অব হিউম্যান রাইটস্‌ (বিআইএইচআর), গ্লোবাল হিউম্যান রাইটস ডিফেন্স (জিএইচআরডি) জাষ্টিসমেকার্স বাংলাদেশ নিকট গত ২৭ আগস্ট ২০১১ ইং তারিখে আবেদন করেন। 

বিষয়টির গুরুত্ত্ব অনুধাবন করে বিআইএইচআর, জিএইচআরডি ও জাষ্টিসমেকার্স বাংলাদেশ কর্তৃপক্ষ যৌথভাবে ঘটনাটি সরেজমিনে তথ্যানুসন্ধানের সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহন করেন এবং এডভোকেট শাহানুর ইলামের নেতৃত্বে তিন সদস্যবিশিষ্ট একটি তথ্যানুসন্ধান দল গত তিন মাস যাবত ঘটনাটি অনুসন্ধান করেন। 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

FACT FINDING REPORT:Politically Motivated Attacked on Indigenous Community in Naogaon District.

The news headed “Attack on Indigenous People in Naogaon :'Land grabbers' still issuing threats: Two cases filed, none yet to be arrested” was published the daily Star on 30 September 2010. The news came to knowledge at the concern authority of Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) and a fact-finding mission has been conducted by a team of Bangladesh BIHR & GHRD comprising Md. Ehsanul Haque, Coordinator, TFT, Naogaon and Adv. Shahanur Islam Saikot, Executive Director, BIHR from 9th to 11th October, 2010.

Monday, September 27, 2010

FACT FINDING REPORT:An Indigenous Community Child has been victimized in Gang Raped as well as having the Girl is Eexcommunicated by the Community People.

The news headed “An indigenous adolescent girl has been rapped alluring to give job at Ghoragha under Dinajpur district” was published the daily Karatoa on 27 august 2010. The news came to knowledge at the concern authority of Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) and a fact-finding mission has been conducted by a team of Bangladesh BIHR & GHRD comprising Adv. Rabindra Ghosh, GHRD, Dhaka; Gonesh Rajbongsi, Volunteer, GHRD, Dhaka; Rabindra Prasad Gupta, Volunteer, BIHR; Adv. Shahanur Islam, Executive Director, BIHR on 2nd and 3rd September 2010.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

FACT FINDING REPORT:A Woman has been Raped after Abduction by Temptation to Marry by Local Jubo League Cadre.

Name of the victim             : Mrs. Nusrat Jahan Meghla (Baby)
Type of Violation                           : Right to liberty and security, right to personal integrity
Type of Act                                      : Abduction and rape
Investigation conducted by       : Adv. Shahanur Islam, Executive Director, BIHR, Rabindra Prasad Gupto, GHRD, Golam Mostofa, Coordinator, TFT, Rangpur and Dipak Kumar Pal, Coordinator, TFT, Gaibanda
Date of investigation                     : 23-27 June, 2010
Rangpur Central Jail, where the victim was forced to live in the name of safe custody

Thursday, June 10, 2010

FACT FINDING REPORT:A Hindu Minority community child has been converted and got marriage after abduction by Muslim man

Country                                             : Bangladesh
Name of the victim                         : Ms.Sumitra Dutta
Type of Violation                           : Right to liberty and security, right to personal integrity
Type of Act                                  : Abduction/ rape [1] / forced conversion [2]/ Force marriage[3] 
Investigation conducted by       : Adv. Shahanur Islam, Executive Director, BIHR, Rabindra Prasad Gupto, GHRD and Ashoke Banarjee of HRCBM
Date of investigation                     : 6-9 June, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

FACT FINDING REPORTA Hindu Community Young School Girl has been Escaped with Her Muslim Community Boy Friend to Get Marry

Investigation conducted by       : Adv. Shahanur Islam, Executive Director, BIHR; Adv. Jayonto Kumar, member, District Bar Association, Dinajpur & Tahera Islam, 1st year,  DinajPur Medical College, Dinajpur, volunteer of BIHR.
Date of investigation                     : April 22 to 25, 2010

Name                                                 : Ms. Arpana Rani
Age at time of event                      : 17 years 1 month 23 days (according to the registration of School Certificate Examination (SSC)
Under 18                                           : YES
Citizenship                                       : Bangladeshi
Religion                                            : Hindu
Home address                               :Vill: Moupukur, P.S. Birampur, District: Dinajpur, Bangladesh

Date                                                   : 14th March, 2010
Location                                          : Not identified

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Type of Violation                : Women and Children Repression
Type of Act                          : Abduction and gang rape
Investigation conducted by: Adv. Shahanur Islam Saikot, Executive Director, BIHR, Md. Rafiquel Islam Hawlader, Fact-Finding Officer, BIHR and Md. Firoz Hossain, Social Worker, BIHR
Date of investigation         : March 26 to 30,  2010

Identity of the victim:
Name                                                 :Anju Rani Das (16), C/o: Amullo Chandra Das
Age at time of event:            :16 years
Under 18                               :Yes
Citizenship                            :Bangladeshi
Religion                                 :Hinindu        Cast:               Kayesto (Das)
Home address                     :Vill: Kuakata, P/s: Kolapara, Dist: Patuakhali; at present: Village: Dharandi, P/s and District: Patuakhali
Consent:                                : Consent of the victim has been taken to proceed with
 the case

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

FACT FINDING REPORT:Human Rights Defender & Lawyer Mr. Shahanur Islam has been detained and ill treated and harassed by the police

Fact Finding Case: BIHR-HRD-07-09                      Date: December 23, 2009

Report of BIHR

Human Rights Defender & Lawyer Mr. Shahanur Islam has been detained and ill treated and harassed by the police

Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights has been received a report regarding to detained and victimized of ill treatment of Mr. Shahanur Islam, Executive Director of Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) and also member of Bangladesh Bar Council as well as Dhaka district Bar Association on December 23, 2009 around at 3.30 pm at Kakrail Mosque Square Police Box by Ramna Thana Police. According to the information received, after more than 3 hours around at 6.30 Mr. Islam has been released by the interfere of BRCT stuff. Yet the police administration has not been taken any action on this regard.

Monday, August 17, 2009

FACT FINDING REPORT:Human Rights Defender & Lawyer Mr. Shahanur Islam Received Threat of Arrest with False & concocted Drug Case

Date: August 17, 2009 
 Fact Finding Case: BIHR-HRD-06-09 
  Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights has been received a fact finding report regarding to intimidation of Mr. Shahanur Islam, Programme Manager of Legal and Human Rights Affairs at the Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) and Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victims (BRCT) by cell phone. According to the information received, there was no action taken by the police authorities. 

  BIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION: Name of the Victim :Mr. Shahanur Islam, Programme Manager of Legal and Human Rights Affairs at the Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) and Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victims (BRCT, General Secretary and Executive Director of Bangladesh centre for Human Rights and Development (BCHRD). During the time of his duties, he moved many cases against the perpetrators as a lawyer and some of them have been punished. He also conducted many investigations and fact-finding missions on human rights violations as well as issued local and international urgent appeals requesting attention to concerned authorities. Name of the Perpetrators : Mr. Sagor, Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh Date of Incident : August 16, 2009, early in the morning around at 12.21 am Cell phone Number of the perpetrator: 01675029018 

Sunday, July 19, 2009

FACT-FINDING REPORT: Attacked on the Village of Indigenous People to Grab Land and Pond: Many of Them Assaulted

The news headed on “Attacked on the Village of Indigenous People to Grab Land and Pond: Many of Them Assaulted” at Dulahar village in Nachole upazila under Chapai Nababgong district was published on the daily “Prothom Alo” as well as other most of the Bengali and English daily news paper in Bangladesh on 23 June 2009. The news came to knowledge at the concern authority of Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) and a fact-finding investigation mission has been conducted by a team of Bangladesh BIHR & NHRD comprising Md. Ehshanul Haque and Md. Abu Musha Ashowary from June 29 to 30, 2009. The information that has been collected by the mission is given bellow:

Monday, July 6, 2009


The news headed “A marma girl murdered after rape: Demand exemplary punishment” was published the daily prothom alo as well as other most of the Bengali and English dailies on 13 may 2009. The news came to knowledge at the concern authority of Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) and a fact-finding mission has been conducted by a team of Bangladesh BIHR & BCHRD comprising Adv. Shahanur Islam Saikot, Programme Manager of Legal & Human Rights affairs and Shohel Ahmed from May 24 to 29,2009. 

Thursday, June 18, 2009

FACT FINDING REPORT:Human Rights Defender & Lawyer Mr. Shahanur Islam Once Again Received Threat

Date: June 18, 2009
Fact Finding Case: BIHR-HRD-05-09

Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights has been received a fact finding report conducted by the fact finding team of BIHR from June 16 to 17, 2009 regarding to intimidation of Mr. Shahanur Islam Saikot, Programme Manager of Legal and Human Rights Affairs at the Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) and Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victims (BRCT) by cell phone. According to the information received, there was no action taken by the police authorities.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

FACT FINDING REPORT: Human Rights Defender & Lawyer Mr. Shahanur Islam in Bangladesh Again Received Threat

Date: May 28, 2009

Fact Finding Case: BIHR-HRD-04-09

Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights has been received a fact finding report conducted by the fact finding team of BIHR from May 25-27, 2009 regarding to intimidation of Mr. Shahanur Islam, Secretary General and Executive Director of the Bangladesh Centre for Human Rights and Development (BCHRD), Coordinator of Centre for Human Rights Fact Finding & Research (CHFR), Programme Officer of Legal and Human Rights Affairs at the Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) and Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victims (BRCT), as well as a member of the Bangladesh Bar Council and Bar Association in Dhaka district by the member of RAB-8, during filing case against the RAB personnel on charging murder by torturing during emergency period with the Chief Judicial magistrate Court in Shariyatpur district. According to the information received, there was no action taken by the police authorities.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

REPORT: Human Rights Defender & Lawyer Mr. Shahanur Islam Once Again Received Threat from RAB-8 During Filing Case Against the RAB Men in Bangladesh.

Human Rights Defender & Lawyer Mr. Shahanur Islam Once Again Received Threat from RAB-8 During Filing Case Against the RAB Personnel in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights has been received a report reliable source regarding to intimidation of Mr. Shahanur Islam, Secretary General and Executive Director of the Bangladesh Centre for Human Rights and Development (BCHRD), Coordinator of Centre for Human Rights Fact Finding & Research (CHFR), Programme Officer of Legal and Human Rights Affairs at the Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) and Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victims (BRCT), as well as a member of the Bangladesh Bar Council and Bar Association in Dhaka district by the member of RAB-8, during filing case against the RAB personnel on charging murder by torturing during emergency period with the Chief Judicial magistrate Court in Shariyatpur district. According to the information received, there was no action taken by the police authorities. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

FACT FING REPORT:A Prominent Human Rights Defender in Bangladesh Has Been Intimidated by the Directorate General Forces of Intelligence (DGFI) Officer


Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights has been conducted a fact finding mission by its high level team regarding to intimidation of Mr. Shahanur Islam Secretary General and Executive Director of the Bangladesh Centre for Human Rights and Development (BCHRD), Coordinator of Centre for Human Rights Fact Finding & Research (CHFR), Programme Manager of Legal and Human Rights Affairs at the Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) and Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victims (BRCT), as well as a member of the Bangladesh Bar Council and Bar Association in Dhaka District by the Filed Officer of (Sub Inspector Level Official) of Directorate General Forces of Intelligence (DGFI), while he was waiting for speaking with Media men after filing a petition case on charging attempt to murder by torturing with the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Court (CMM) Dhaka against three men including a Major of Army. According to the information received, there was no action taken by the police authorities. BIHR urges your intervention asking concerned authority to ensure his life as well as conduct impartial and credible investigation to bring the culprit before the justice. The information received regarding the case are following: