Showing posts with label BORDER DETAINMENT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BORDER DETAINMENT. Show all posts

Saturday, June 1, 2024

BANGLADESH-INDIA: JMBF Unveils Annual State of Indo-Bangla Border Violence 2023

Paris, France – June 01, 2024: JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) today released the comprehensive report on the annual state of violence along the Indo-Bangladesh border for the year 2023.  The report documents 55 violent incidents that have resulted in 66 victims, underscoring the urgent need for effective interventions to address this persistent issue from January to December 2023. The incidents have led to fatalities, injuries, and detainments, affecting numerous individuals and communities across the border.

To read the full report in PDF, please visit: Annual State of Indo-Bangla Border Violence 2023

The report reveals a troubling pattern of violence, with the majority of incidents being perpetrated against males, resulting in 64 male victims from 53 incidents, while females were targeted in two incidents, leading to two female victims. Despite the lower number of incidents involving females, the violence they experienced was equally severe.