Showing posts with label ACHIVEMENT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ACHIVEMENT. Show all posts

Thursday, November 15, 2012

NHRC issues ordered to investigate the incident of physical attacked on human rights lawyer in police custody.

Dhaka, April 15, 2012 
National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of Bangladesh has been issued an order to investigate the incident of physical assault on Advocate Shahanur Islam, founding secretary general of JusticeMakers Bangladesh and also member of DhaKa Bar Association and Bangladesh Bar Council by the police official in Mohammadpur police

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

জাতীয় মানবাধিকার কমিশন কর্তৃক সংসদ সদস্য দ্বারা নারী সাংবাদিককে শারীরিক নির্যাতনের বিষয়টি তদন্তের আদেশ!!!!

গত ৩ জানুয়ারী ২০১২ ইং তারিখে মাননীয় সংসদ সদস্য ও মনিপুর উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়ের পরিচালনা পরিষদের সম্মানিত সভাপতি জনাব কামাল আহমেদ মজুমদার কর্তৃক পেশাগত দ্বায়িত্ব পালনকালে বেসরকারী টেলিভিশন চ্যানেল আর টিভি'র সাংবাদিক অপর্না সিংহকে শারীরিকভাবে লাঞ্চিত করার ঘটনাটি যথাযথভাবে তদন্ত করে আগামী ৩০ জানুয়ারী ২০১২ ইং তারিখের মধ্যে প্রতিবেদন দেওয়ার জন্য জাতীয় মানবাধিকার কমিশন শিক্ষা সচিব বরাবর আদেশ প্রদান করেছেন। 

Monday, September 20, 2010

NEWS: NHRC asks govt to probe youth’s killing by BDR

Staff Correspondent

The National Human Rights Commission has asked the home ministry investigate the killing of a youth by the Bangladesh Rifles in Lalmonirhat on August 18.

The ministry was also asked to report to the commission by October 3 after inquiring the complaint filed by Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights on the basis of newspaper reports on the killing.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

NEWS: Shahanur Islam - Bangladesh


Growing up and working for human rights in Bangladesh, Shahanur noticed that people often become victims of their own ignorance and lack of resources vis-à-vis the criminal justice system.
Shahanur holds a Masters in Laws (LL.M) with a focus on human rights law, and has about ten years experience working in the fields of human rights, peace advocacy, criminal justice and good governance.  His experiences gave him technical and managerial skills covering a wide range of development areas, including designing and implementing projects related to human rights, criminal justice, peace and good governance; providing legal support and counseling to victims of violence (focusing on ethnic and religious minority women and children); initiating and carrying out projects to strengthen local government; networking with different NGO’s; facilitating trainings, seminars, and workshops on human rights issues as a trainer and moderator; and lobbying at both the national and international levels. Shahanur also has experience providing direct legal support to the Bangladesh Court for Criminal Justice, and is currently the Executive Director of the Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR).

Saturday, January 30, 2010

ORDER BY NHRC: Regarding to the case of Adv. Rabindra Ghosh.

National human Rights Commission has issued an order on January 20, 2010 regarding the case of harassment of Adv. Rabindra Ghosh.  The order stated that the allegation received from the Global Human Rights Defence and Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) has been reviewed hereby and the commission thinks that it should be investigated by an Additional Inspector General of Police (Ad. IGP). It also requested to Inspector General of Police (IGP), Bangladesh to submit report by February 28, 2010 regarding the action taken by IGP.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Urgent Action: Order by National Human Rights Commission regarding to case arbitrary arrest, maltreatment and harassment of Mr. Shahanur Islam, Executive Director, BIHR by Policemen.

National Human Rights Commission of Bangladesh has taken the allegation regarding to case arbitrary arrest, maltreatment and harassment of Mr. Shahanur Islam, Executive Director,  BIHR  by Policemen as cognizance and today issues an order to commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) to take proper action by impartial investigation by February 22, 2010.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

NEWS:An Investigation Has Been Started Regarding to Receive Continuous Threats against Mr. Shahanur Islam Saikot

You will be happy to know that an investigation has been started regarding to receive continuous threats against Mr. Shahanur Islam Saikot, Advocate and Human Rights Defender by unidentified person after receiving letter from Asian Centre for Progress of People (ACPP), Hong Kong. According to direction of Inspector General of Police of Bangladesh, Mr. Aminul Islam, Inspector of Police, Special Branch (SCO), Dhaka has started the investigation on august 04, 2009. During the investigation he met with Mr. Islam and collect all document regarding the case and assured him to find out the perpetrators as well as take other necessary steps to bring the culprits before the book.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

URGENT APPEAL: Communication with United Nation by GHRD Regarding to Intimidation of Mr. Shahanur

Case number: 008-GHRD-HRCFBD-009-14-islam

Country: Bangladesh

Last name: Islam

First name: Shahanur

Type of Violation: Violation to personal integrity.

Act(s): Threats, death threats to human rights defender.

Submitted to: United Nations Special Procedures Division – Human Rights Defenders

Date of Submission to the UNSP: 1st version, 02.06.2009

Updated version: 25.06.2009

GHRD Contact: Jenny Lundström

1. Identity of the victim:

Name: Shahanur Islam Saikot

Position: Secretary General and Executive Director of the Bangladesh Centre for Human Rights and Development, Coordinator of Centre for Human Rights Fact Finding & Research, Programme Officer of Legal and Human Rights Affairs at the Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights and Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victims, as well as a member of the Bangladesh Bar Council and Bar Association in Dhaka District.