Thursday, September 12, 2024

STATEMENT: JMBF Strongly Condemns the Brutal Killing of Bangladeshi Child Joyonto Kumar Singha by BSF

Paris, France; September 12, 2024: JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) unequivocally condemns the brutal killing of Joyonto Kumar Singha, a young schoolboy, and the injuring of two others, including Joyonto's father, by the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) personnel on September 9, 2024, near the Dhantala border in Thakurgaon, Bangladesh.

The France-based human rights organization, JMBF, strongly protests the killing of Joyonto and urges the Indian government to immediately end all forms of violence and killings at the Indo-Bangla border by BSF, in compliance with international laws and human rights principles.

This appalling act of violence highlights the persistent issue of excessive force and recurring human rights violations along the India-Bangladesh border. JMBF also calls for both Indian and Bangladeshi authorities to launch an impartial and transparent investigation to hold those responsible accountable for this tragic loss of life.

According to multiple news sources, at around 3 a.m. on September 9, 2024, Joyonto Kumar Singha, a class seven student, was fatally shot by BSF personnel while a group attempted to cross the India-Bangladesh border through the Dhantala border area in Thakurgaon. The group, reportedly being assisted by local brokers, neared the Indian barbed wire fence when BSF personnel from the Dingapara camp opened fire. Joyonto was killed on the spot, and his body was taken by the BSF.

Two others were injured in the shooting, including Joyonto's father, Mahadev Kumar Singh, and another individual, Darbar Ali. They managed to return to the Bangladeshi side and were taken to a hospital in Rangpur for treatment. On September 11, 2024, the BSF returned Joyonto's body to the Bangladeshi authorities.

Robert Simon, a prominent French human rights activist and Chief Adviser of JMBF stated, "The killing of Joyonto Kumar Singha represents a grave violation of fundamental human rights. No child or civilian should suffer such a brutal fate while crossing the border. Border security must prioritize human dignity and the protection of life. We urge the international community to pressure Indian authorities to ensure that justice is delivered."

Advocate Shahanur Islam, a renowned human rights defender and Founder President of JMBF, added, "The killing of Joyonto Kumar Singha at the Indo-Bangla border by BSF is not an isolated incident; just last week, another teenage girl, Swarna, was killed by BSF, showing a complete disregard for international norms. The frequency of such incidents exposes the failure of current security practices. This tragedy illustrates the urgent need for both governments to address ongoing human rights violations at the border. We urge the Bangladeshi government to pursue justice for Joyonto and ensure his family receives due compensation and accountability."

JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) reiterates its unwavering commitment to the protection of human rights in border regions and calls on security forces to adopt humane and lawful measures in dealing with civilians. We stand in solidarity with Joyonto's family and all others affected by this inhumane act.

Thank you.

Advocate Shahanur Islam
Founder President  
JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) 
Email:; Website:

============================================================ JMBF is an independent non-profit, nonpartisan human rights organization registered in France with registration number W931027714 under the association law of 1901, dedicated to defending human rights, fighting for justice, and empowering communities in Bangladesh and beyond.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post. Are you providing legal help to Jayanta's family to get justice? If not, we are ready to provide that at Indian Court of law? Can you help us?
