Wednesday, August 21, 2024

STATEMENT: JMBF Strongly Condemns Widespread Vandalism of Cultural and Historical Monuments in Bangladesh

Paris, France; August 21, 2024: JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) unequivocally condemns the widespread vandalism, destruction, and desecration of cultural and historical monuments across Bangladesh following the fall of the Sheikh Hasina government on August 5, 2024.These horrific acts of vandalism, which targeted approximately 1,500 sculptures, murals, and monuments—including those dedicated to the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and other symbols of our liberation struggle—represent a direct assault on our cultural heritage, history, and national identity.

JMBF is deeply appalled by the destruction of iconic works such as the Venus statue by Shashilej in Mymensingh, the Themis statue at the Supreme Court, and the Durant sculpture at the Shishu Academy, among many others. These acts of violence have not only obliterated invaluable pieces of art and history but have also inflicted deep psychological wounds on the collective consciousness of the Bangladeshi people.

Details of the Vandalism: 

According to a report published in the Bengali daily "Prothom Alo" on August 20, 2024, between August 5 and 14, a total of 1,494 sculptures, reliefs, murals, and monuments were damaged across 59 districts. 

The majority of these incidents occurred on August 5, 6, and 7, 2024. Over 122 sculptures, murals, and reliefs were vandalized, set on fire, and uprooted at 15 locations in the Dhaka metropolitan area alone. 

The damage includes 273 works in Dhaka Division, 204 in Chittagong Division, 166 in Rajshahi, 479 in Khulna, 100 in Barisal, 129 in Rangpur, 49 in Sylhet, and 92 in Mymensingh Division.

Notable among these destructive incidents were the attacks on two murals of Bangabandhu at House No. 32 in Dhanmondi. In the capital, five sculptures were examined; some were completely destroyed with hammers and shovels, some uprooted, and others burned.

At the Palashi intersection in the capital, the ‘Swadhitan Sangram’ sculpture by Freedom Fighter and artist Shamim Shikder was also attacked. Of the hundreds of individual sculptures, large and small, only five remain intact; the rest were uprooted. Busts of poets, writers, revolutionaries, politicians, and scientists were found scattered on the ground, including figures such as Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Yasir Arafat, Jagadish Chandra Bose, and Lalan.

The ‘Durant’ sculpture at the Shishu Academy premises was reportedly burned on August 8, 2024. Its charred remains lie in the rubble, with only the baby’s face still intact. This striking sculpture, depicting a boy running with a wheel and stick, was installed in 2008.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s ‘Mrityunjoy’ sculpture, recently installed at Vijay Sarani, was also targeted. On the afternoon of August 5, 2024 an attempt was made to demolish this massive sculpture. ‘Mrityunjaya’ was eventually destroyed using ropes, fire, and hammers.

The statue of Themis, installed in front of the Supreme Court’s High Court Division extension building, was pulled down in two phases. Since its installation in 2016, the sculpture had been the subject of much debate. Modeled after the Greek goddess Themis as a symbol of justice, the statue held the scales of justice. It was removed on August 7, 2024.

The ‘Mujibnagar Memorial Complex’ in Meherpur was also attacked. Although considered a single sculpture site, the complex housed over five hundred separate sculptures. The large sculpture of Bangabandhu was the first to be broken. On August 5,2024 hundreds of youths entered the complex with rods, bamboos, and hammers, vandalizing at least 303 small and large sculptures.

In Mymensingh, the Venus sculpture in Shashilja was broken, and its head was stolen. "Hundreds of people attacked and vandalized in gangs. The head of the sculpture has not been found; it was a priceless asset. The bust of Shilpacharya Zainul Abedin in front of the Zainul Museum in the city was also damaged."

In Khulna, two sculptures of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman were completely demolished. A liberation war memorial under construction in Madaripur, named ‘Palashi to Dhanmondi,’ was destroyed on the afternoon of August 7, 2024. Everything inside the monument, located on the banks of Shakuni Lake in the heart of the city, was obliterated.

After August 5, 2024, further acts of vandalism were reported at three locations in Gazipur. The relief sculpture of Sat Bir Shrestha in the interior of Joydevpur was damaged. Additionally, more than 12 murals in front of Shahjalal University, MC College, the Zilla Parishad, and the District Commissioner’s office in Sylhet were vandalized.

Call for Justice and Restoration: 

Mr. Robert Simon, Prominent Human Rights Activist and Chief Adviser of JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), emphasized, "Cultural and historical monuments are the pillars of national identity. Their destruction is a crime not just against Bangladesh, but against humanity. The Interim Government must work together, under the guidance of UNESCO and other international bodies, to restore what has been lost and to safeguard Bangladeshi heritage for future generations."

Advocate Shahanur Islam, Bangladeshi Human Rights Lawyer and Founder President of JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), stated, "The destruction of cultural and historical heritage is an assault on the soul of the Bengali nation. We must hold the perpetrators accountable and restore the monuments that tell the story of our freedom and identity."

JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) urgently calls on the interim government led by Prof. Mohammad Younus for a swift, impartial, and thorough investigation into these heinous acts of cultural vandalism.

JMBF demands that those responsible for these crimes be brought to justice and given exemplary punishment through a credible and transparent investigation and trial process with cooperation from international bodies, particularly the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), to oversee the investigation and prosecution of these crimes.

JMBF also calls on the interim government of Bangladesh to immediately take steps to restore the destroyed monuments, sculptures, murals, and other cultural artifacts. These are not just works of art; they are the symbols of our struggles, victories, and aspirations as a nation.

The government must ensure that these irreplaceable elements of our heritage are restored to their original state and that measures are put in place to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future.

JMBF urges the interim government and the international community to take decisive action to ensure that justice is served and that our national heritage is restored and protected for future generations.


JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) stands in solidarity with the people of Bangladesh in this time of national mourning and reaffirms its commitment to justice, cultural preservation, and the protection of human rights.

JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) will continue to monitor the situation closely and work tirelessly to support efforts to achieve justice and restoration in Bangladesh.

Special Note:

JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) has been actively advocating against the recent violence during and after the mass uprising in Bangladesh, particularly concerning student protests, minority repression, violence against opposition political activists, and political influence in judicial procedures. The organization has made several public statements and participated in demonstrations to address these critical issues. Below is an overview of their recent activities:

Thank you

Advocate Shahanur Islam 
Founder President 
JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) 
107 Rue Gallieni, 93000 Bobigny, France 
Email: | Website:

============================================================ JMBF is an independent non-profit, nonpartisan human rights organization registered in France with registration number W931027714 under the association law of 1901, dedicated to defending human rights, fighting for justice, and empowering communities in Bangladesh and beyond.

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