Saturday, August 24, 2024

STATEMENT: JMBF Condemns Obstruction of Legal Representation & Violent Assaults of Former Two Ministers

Paris, France; August 24, 2024:JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) expresses its deep concern and strong condemnation regarding the obstruction of legal representation, denial of self-defense, and the physical assault and molestation of former Social Welfare Minister Dipu Moni and former Deputy Youth and Sports Minister Arif Khan Joy at the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Court in Dhaka on August 20, 2024.

The denial of legal representation and self-defense, coupled with the violent and disgraceful conduct displayed by certain members of the legal community during the court proceedings, constitutes a gross violation of the principles of justice, human rights, and the rule of law.

Reports from various newspapers reveal that former Social Welfare Minister Dipu Moni was granted a four-day remand, and former Deputy Youth and Sports Minister Arif Khan Joy was granted a five-day remand by Dhaka's Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate in connection with the murder of grocer Abu Syed in Mohammadpur, Dhaka.

Media coverage has exposed that pro-BNP lawyers chanted slogans demanding the execution of the accused as they were brought to court. Disturbingly, some pro-BNP lawyers physically assaulted the accused within the police cordon, with reports indicating that Dipu Moni's sari was pulled and defiled.

BBC Bangla confirmed that a lawyer attempted to represent Dipu Moni but was prevented from doing so by BNP-backed lawyers. Additionally, Daily Samakal noted that Arif Khan Joy wanted to speak in court but was not allowed.

Robert Simon, French Human Rights Activist and Chief Adviser of JMBF, stated, "The disturbing reports of physical assaults, including the defilement of Social Welfare Minister Dipu Moni's sari, and the obstruction of legal representation are not only shocking but also deeply troubling. Such actions are a blatant affront to the dignity of the court and a violation of the fundamental human rights of the accused to a fair trial."

Advocate Shahanur Islam, Founder and President of JMBF, added, "Physical assaults on the accused and obstructing their right to legal representation during court proceedings not only violate the principles of justice but also tarnish the dignity and integrity of the legal profession. In light of the egregious conduct displayed by certain lawyers, the legal community must take immediate professional action."

JMBF notes that the physical assault and denial of legal representation during court proceedings are not isolated incidents but part of a disturbing trend. On August 15, 2024, former Prime Minister and former Law Minister Advocate Anisul Huq, along with the Private Industry and Investment Adviser to the former Prime Minister, Salman F. Rahman, were also denied legal representation and physically assaulted during court proceedings.

JMBF unequivocally demands that the Bangladesh Bar Council and relevant authorities take immediate and stringent professional action against the lawyers involved in these assaults. Those responsible must be held accountable to preserve the sanctity of the legal profession and to ensure that justice is not compromised by mob behavior.

Furthermore, JMBF urges the current interim government to ensure the defense rights of all accused per international human rights standards. It is crucial that the rule of law be upheld and that every individual, regardless of the charges against them, is granted the right to a fair and just legal process.

JMBF urges the relevant authorities to ensure that justice is served without political bias, as the right to a fair trial, including legal representation and the opportunity to defend oneself, is fundamental in any democratic society. The legal system must remain independent and impartial, safeguarding the rights of every individual, irrespective of their political affiliations.

JMBF will continue to monitor the situation closely to ensure that justice is served and that the rights of the accused are protected in line with both national and international legal standards. We stand firm in our commitment to defending the principles of justice and human rights.

Thank you,

Advocate Shahanur Islam 
Founder and President 
Justice Makers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) 
Email: | Website:
CellPhone/WhatsApp/Signal: +33 (0)7 83 95 23 15

============================================================ JMBF is an independent non-profit, nonpartisan human rights organization registered in France with registration number W931027714 under the association law of 1901, dedicated to defending human rights, fighting for justice, and empowering communities in Bangladesh and beyond.

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