Monday, August 12, 2024

JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France Joins Protest in Paris Against Minority Repression in Bangladesh

Members of JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) gathered at Place de la République today on August 12, 2024 to protest against the ongoing repression of minority communities in Bangladesh. The demonstration was part of a broader international effort to draw attention to the increasing violence and discrimination faced by religious minorities in Bangladesh.

Advocate Shanur Islam, the founder and President of JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France, attended the protest, passionately advocating for the safety and rights of minority communities. He called on the Bangladeshi government to take immediate action to protect all minority groups and to impose exemplary punishments on those responsible for the atrocities.

"The continuous persecution of minorities in Bangladesh is a grave violation of human rights," stated Advocate Shanur Islam during his address to the crowd. "We call on the international community to hold the Bangladeshi government accountable and to ensure that justice is served for the victims."

The protest at Place de la République was marked by strong expressions of solidarity with the oppressed communities in Bangladesh, with participants calling for urgent international intervention. The event was attended by human rights activists, members of the Bangladeshi diaspora, particularly from the Hindu minority community, and supporters of minority rights.

JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France has been actively working to raise awareness about human rights abuses in Bangladesh and to advocate for the protection of vulnerable populations. The organization plans to continue its efforts by engaging with international human rights organizations.

The protest concluded with a call to action, urging both the Bangladeshi government and the global community to take immediate and decisive steps to end the violence against minorities in Bangladesh.

============================================================ JMBF is an independent non-profit, nonpartisan human rights organization registered in France with registration number W931027714 under the association law of 1901, dedicated to defending human rights, fighting for justice, and empowering communities in Bangladesh and beyond.

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