Saturday, May 18, 2024

JMBF Attends International Conference on Combatting LGBTphobia in Paris

Paris, May 18, 2024- On May 17, 2024, the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs hosted a significant conference dedicated to advancing the rights and protections for LGBT+ individuals globally. The International Day Against LGBTphobia conference, held at the Quai d’Orsay, attracted a diverse array of human rights advocates and legal experts who addressed the urgent need for the universal decriminalization of homosexuality.

Among the notable attendees was Advocate Shahanur Islam, Founder and President of JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF). Islam, a prominent figure in the fight for LGBT+ rights in Bangladesh, contributed significantly to the discussions at the conference.

The event began with a welcoming coffee, followed by opening remarks from Mr. Jean-Marc Berthon, Ambassador for LGBT+ Rights. The highlight of the conference was a comprehensive panel discussion on "Rights of LGBT+ Persons: Working Towards Universal Decriminalization," featuring an impressive roster of international experts:

  • Etienne Deshoulières**, lawyer and president of the Association for the Universal Decriminalization of Homosexuality
  • Wahid Ferchichi**, public law professor and co-founder of the Tunisian Association for the Defense of Individual Liberties
  • Adrian Jjuuko**, researcher and human rights defender
  • Alice N’Kom**, lawyer and LGBT+ rights advocate from Cameroon
  • Graeme Reid**, UN Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
  • Malkia Saïd**, LGBT+ rights activist from Tanzania
  • Anna Shcherbakova**, exiled Russian LGBT+ rights defender
  • Jessica Stern**, U.S. Presidential Special Envoy for LGBTQIA+ Human Rights
The discussion emphasized the legal, social, and cultural barriers to decriminalization and proposed strategic approaches for advocacy and policy change. Advocate Shahanur Islam contributed insights on the intersection of LGBT+ rights with legal reforms in Bangladesh, stressing the importance of international support and solidarity in driving change in restrictive environments.

The conference concluded with a closing speech by Mrs. Anne-Marie Descôtes, Secretary General of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, reiterating France's commitment to supporting global initiatives against LGBTphobia.

This event marks a significant step in the ongoing struggle for LGBT+ rights, providing a platform for sharing knowledge, experiences, and strategies among global leaders and activists. The presence of influential figures like Shahanur Islam underscores the collaborative effort needed to achieve universal decriminalization and ensure equality for all.

============================================================ Advocate Shahanur Islam | A young, Ascendant, Dedicated Human Rights Defender, Lawyer, and Blogger from Bangladesh, Fighting for Ensuring Human Rights, the Rule of Law, Good Governance, Peace, and Social Justice For the Victims of Torture, Extra Judicial Killing, Force Disappearance, Trafficking in Persons including Ethnic, Religious, Sexual and Social Minority People.

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