Monday, November 20, 2023

Statement: JMBF Urges Justice for the Killing of Homosexual Butcher Khairul Islam in Dhaka

Paris, France; November 20, 2023: JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) expresses grave concern over the recent tragic and heinous murder of Khairul Islam, a gay butcher at Dakkhinkhan in Dhaka on the night of November 12, 2023.

The rights organization urges the government to give exemplary punishment to the alleged culprit through a prompt and fair trial. Additionally, they call for immediate measures to protect members of the LGBT community, preventing similar incidents in the future.

According to reports from various Bangladeshi news media, police recovered Butcher Khairul's bloodied body wrapped in a blanket from his shop in Dakshinkhan police station in Dhaka on the night of September 12, 2023. One wound was found on his nose, and three sharp weapon wounds were discovered on his neck. Initially, investigators had no leads, but later, individuals were arrested on suspicion. During intensive interrogation, Shahidul Islam, a butcher from a nearby shop, admitted that he worked at Judge Mia's meat shop in Adam Ali Market. Every day, after selling meat, he went home to Bereid. However, on the day of the incident, Khairul asked him to sleep in his shop, "Afsal Gost Bitan." Shahidul agreed, and around 11 o'clock, Khairul allegedly attempted a homosexual advance. Shahidul, angered by this, hit Khairul's face with a meat cutter chapati from Khairul's butcher's box, causing him to fall. Shahidul then struck Khairul's right-side neck more than three times to ensure his death. After confirming the victim's death, he wiped the body with a blanket, placed it in a box, covered Khairul with another blanket, and fled the scene.

Advocate Shahanur Islam, the Founder President of JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), vehemently denounces the killing of the gay butcher for allegedly proposing homosexuality. He demands exemplary punishment for the accused following a speedy, transparent, and impartial trial that reveals the true motive behind the killing, sending a clear message that such acts of brutality will not go unpunished.

In addition, Advocate Shahanur Islam urges authorities to stop blaming the victimized gay person for incidents of violence or human rights violations against the LGBTQ+ community. He underscores that the tragic death of Khairul Islam emphasizes the urgent need for greater protection and acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals in society.

Advocate Shahanur Islam believes that the murder of Khairul Islam is not an isolated incident in Bangladesh; rather, it is a small part of the human rights violations, including discrimination, deprivation, torture, kidnapping, and injuries faced by the homosexual minority, which often remains undisclosed due to social stigma.

He calls for the immediate constitutional recognition of homosexuality in Bangladesh and the repeal of Section 377 of the Penal Code, as well as the enactment of a Homosexual Protection Act to protect the LGBTQ+ community from discrimination and violence.

Advocate Shahanur Islam also highlights the distressing reality that LGBTQ+ individuals across Bangladesh continue to endure systemic discrimination, violence, and blatant human rights abuses. He urges national and international civil society organizations and the media to raise awareness about the rights of the LGBTQ+ community and promote tolerance and acceptance towards them.

JMBF remains steadfast in its commitment to advocating for justice, upholding human rights, and empowering the LGBTQ+ community in Bangladesh and around the world. The organization fervently calls for a world where discrimination and violence are eradicated, ensuring that every individual can live with dignity and equality.

Best Regards,
Advocate Shahanur Islam
Founder President
JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF)
Cell/WhatsUp/Signal: +33 (0)7 83 95 23 15

============================================================ Advocate Shahanur Islam | An Young, Ascendant, Dedicated Human Rights Defender, Lawyer and Blogger from Bangladesh, Fighting for Ensuring Human Rights, Rule of Law, Good Governance, Peace and Social Justice For the Victim of Torture, Extra Judicial Killing, Force Disappearance, Trafficking in Persons including Ethnic, Religious, Sexual and Social Minority People.

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