Monday, August 14, 2023

Lawyers for Lawyers Calls for Urgent Action to Protect Shahanur Islam and Human Rights Defenders

Lawyers for Lawyers, an international organization dedicated to safeguarding the rights and security of legal professionals, has expressed deep concern over the ongoing harassment faced by prominent Bangladeshi lawyer and human rights defender, Shahanur Islam. This harassment, which has escalated recently, is believed to be a direct consequence of Mr. Islam's dedicated work in defending the rights of ethnic, religious, and sexual minorities in Bangladesh.

Shahanur Islam, a respected lawyer and human rights advocate, has been a steadfast champion for the marginalized communities of Bangladesh since 2008. His work has included offering legal counsel and representation to victims of torture, extrajudicial killings, indigenous peoples, child marriage survivors, victims of domestic abuse, and sexual minorities.

Mr. Islam's commitment to justice extends beyond Bangladesh, as he has collaborated with renowned organizations such as Plan International, USAID, and Amnesty International. In recent years, he co-founded Justice Makers Bangladesh, an initiative that provides crucial support to minority communities in the country. 

Despite his noble endeavors, Shahanur Islam has faced a series of harassment incidents over the years. The most alarming development pertains to the intimidation and death threats directed at him and his family. These threats are directly linked to his tireless work in advising and representing sexual minorities in Bangladesh, a group that often faces discrimination and violence. 

In response to these grave concerns, Lawyers for Lawyers has issued a compelling call to action, urging the government of Bangladesh to take immediate steps: 

Protection of Mr. Islam: Lawyers for Lawyers strongly urges the government to ensure that Shahanur Islam can carry out his professional duties without fear of intimidation, hindrance, threats, violence, or harassment. A safe environment is crucial for the pursuit of justice. 

Comprehensive Investigations: The organization calls for swift, transparent, and thorough investigations into all threats, intimidation, and acts of violence against Mr. Islam. Those responsible for these crimes must be brought to justice in proceedings that adhere to international fair trial standards. 

Fair Legal Proceedings: Lawyers for Lawyers insists that any charges against Mr. Islam should be dropped unless credible evidence is presented promptly, and legal proceedings should fully comply with international fair trial guarantees. Criminalizing the work of human rights defenders is in direct contradiction to the principles of justice. 

Protection for All Human Rights Defenders: Beyond Mr. Islam, it is imperative that all lawyers and human rights defenders in Bangladesh can carry out their legitimate professional activities without fear of reprisals or undue interference. Protecting these individuals is essential to upholding human rights and justice in the nation.

The global community continues to watch with concern as the harassment against Shahanur Islam persists. His unwavering dedication to justice, despite facing threats and intimidation, serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by those who defend the rights of marginalized communities. It underscores the importance of collective action to protect human rights defenders worldwide and uphold the principles of justice and equality for all. To read the original statement issued by Lawyers for Lawyers, please visit the following link: [Link to the original statement]

============================================================ Advocate Shahanur Islam | An Young, Ascendant, Dedicated Human Rights Defender, Lawyer and Blogger from Bangladesh, Fighting for Ensuring Human Rights, Rule of Law, Good Governance, Peace and Social Justice For the Victim of Torture, Extra Judicial Killing, Force Disappearance, Trafficking in Persons including Ethnic, Religious, Sexual and Social Minority People.

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