Friday, March 17, 2023

UN Special Rapporteurs Express Deep Concern Over Harassment and Threats Against Bangladeshi Lawyer Shahanur Islam

In a joint communication issued on January 17, 2023, two United Nations Special Rapporteurs have raised serious concerns about the harassment and death threats faced by prominent Bangladeshi lawyer, Shahanur Islam. The communication, addressed to the Government of Bangladesh, calls for immediate action to protect Mr. Islam and ensure the safety of his family.

Margaret Satterthwaite, the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, and Victor Madrigal-Borloz, the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, have issued this communication in response to information they received regarding the alarming situation surrounding Mr. Shahanur Islam.

Mr. Shahanur Islam is the Secretary General of the Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights and Justice Makers Bangladesh. He is known for his unwavering commitment to defending the rights of ethnic, religious, and LGBTIQ+ individuals, as well as opposition politicians.

The communication outlines a series of disturbing incidents:

On October 26, 2022, Mr. Islam received death and kidnapping threats targeting him and his family from various telephone numbers.

On October 6, 2022, Mr. Islam's cousin received death threats against him and a family member. On the same day, individuals allegedly threatened to kill Mr. Shahanur Islam if he did not withdraw cases against a member of the District Council and a political leader, as well as individuals involved in a 2020 physical assault case. This 2020 case is under investigation by the Police Bureau of Investigation in Naogaon.

On September 6 and August 25, 2022, Mr. Islam received two separate death threats via text message from an unidentified phone number, related to his work on behalf of LGBTIQ+ individuals in Bangladesh.

On February 14, 2022, a member of the ruling party's student league from Naogaon district issued death threats against a journalist and Mr. Islam. The threats specifically targeted Mr. Islam if he filed a pro-bono case against a land acquisition in Naogaon Court. Despite a complaint filed by the journalist, no action was taken.

These alarming incidents follow a pattern of threats, intimidation, physical assault, and arrest that Mr. Islam has allegedly faced since at least 2008. The communication expresses grave concern for Mr. Islam's safety and underscores the obligations of the Bangladeshi government to protect the lives of individuals and investigate abuses, as well as the importance of allowing lawyers to carry out their professional duties without fear or interference.

The Special Rapporteurs have urged the Government of Bangladesh to respond promptly with measures to safeguard Mr. Islam as he exercises his legal profession. They also seek detailed information on legislative and other measures adopted to protect lawyers from intimidation, hindrance, harassment, or improper interference.

The communication highlights the potential violation of international human rights standards, including the right to life, physical integrity, and non-discrimination. It also stresses the importance of ensuring lawyers can fulfill their professional roles without threats, intimidation, or harassment.

The UN Special Rapporteurs have indicated that they may publicly express their concerns if necessary and will make this communication and the government's response public via the UN's communications reporting website within 60 days. It will also be included in a report to be presented to the Human Rights Council.

The international community is closely watching this situation, hoping for swift and effective measures to protect Shahanur Islam and uphold the principles of human rights and justice in Bangladesh.

For the original communication from Special Rapporteurs please visit the following link: [Link to the original communication]

============================================================ Advocate Shahanur Islam | An Young, Ascendant, Dedicated Human Rights Defender, Lawyer and Blogger from Bangladesh, Fighting for Ensuring Human Rights, Rule of Law, Good Governance, Peace and Social Justice For the Victim of Torture, Extra Judicial Killing, Force Disappearance, Trafficking in Persons including Ethnic, Religious, Sexual and Social Minority People.

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