Sunday, December 31, 2023

Statement: JMBF's Deep Concern and Protest Regarding the Incident of 6 Bangladeshis Killed, 4 Injured, and 7 Arbitrarily Arrested by BSF in December!

Paris, France; December 31, 2023: France-based human rights organization, JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), expresses grave concern and protests over the incident involving the killing of 6 Bangladeshi citizens through shooting, injuring 4 individuals by firing, and the arbitrary detention of 7 people by the Indian Border Guard Force (BSF) at the Bangladesh-India border in the last month (December).

Moreover, as the killing of unarmed Bangladeshi citizens by the BSF on the border constitutes a gross violation of international human rights law, the French-based human rights organization calls upon BSF members to exercise the utmost care in fulfilling their duties in accordance with international law.

প্রেস বিবৃতি: বিএসএফ কর্তৃক ডিসেম্বরে ০৬ বাংলাদেশী হত্যা, ০৪ জন আহত এবং ০৭ জন স্বেচ্ছাচারী আটকের ঘটনায় জেএমবিএফ এর গভীর উদবেগ ও প্রতিবাদ!

প্যারিস, ফ্রান্স; ৩১ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৩ গত এক মাসে (ডিসেম্বর )বাংলাদেশ-ভারত সীমান্তে ভারতীয় সীমান্তরক্ষী বাহিনী (বিএসএফ)কর্তৃক গুলি করে ০৬ বাংলাদেশী নাগরিক হত্যা, ০৪ জন আহত,এবং ৭জন স্বেচ্ছাচারী আটকের ঘটনায় ফ্রান্স ভিত্তিক মানবাধিকার প্রতিষ্ঠান জাস্টিসমেকার্স বাংলাদেশ ইন ফ্রান্স (জেএমবিএফ)গভীর উদ্বেগ ও প্রতিবাদ জানিয়েছে।

পাশাপাশি, সীমান্তে বিএসএফ কর্তৃক গুলি করে নিরস্ত্র বাংলাদেশী নাগরিক হত্যার ঘটনা আন্তর্জাতিক মানবাধিকার আইনের চরম লঙ্ঘন মর্মে বিএসএফ সদস্যদের দায়িত্ব পালনে আন্তর্জাতিক আইন মেনে সর্বোচ্চ সতর্কতা অবলম্বনেড় আহ্বান জানিয়েছে ফ্রান্স ভিত্তিক মানবাধিকার প্রতিষ্ঠানটি।

JusticeMakers Bangladesh France (JMBF) Quarterly eNewsletter (Oct-Dec 2023)

We are thrilled to present the latest issue of our quarterly enewsletter, covering October to December 2023. At JusticeMakers Bangladesh France (JMBF), we remain steadfast in our commitment to promoting equitable justice and driving positive change within our communities. In this edition, we delve into insightful articles and impactful initiatives that highlight the progress we've made in advancing our mission. We invite you to explore these stories that showcase our dedication to creating a more just and equitable world. 

Thursday, December 28, 2023

প্রেস বিবৃতি: জামালপুর ও হবিগঞ্জে পুলিশ হেফাজতে শারীরিক নির্যাতনে দুই আসামী নিহতের অভিযোগের ঘটনায় জেএমবিএফ বিচার বিভাগীয় তদন্তের আহ্বান জানিয়েছে।

প্যারিস, ফ্রান্স; ২৮ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৩: গত ২৬ ডিসেম্বর মঙ্গলবার বাংলাদেশের জামালপুর জেলার অন্তর্গত সরিষাবাড়ী থানায় এবং হবিগঞ্জ জেলার অন্তর্গত বানিয়াচং থানায় পুলিশ হেফাজতে নির্যাতনের কারণে আনোয়ার হোসেন ও গোলাম রব্বানী নামক দুইজন গ্রেফতারকৃত আসামীর কথিত মৃত্যুর অভিযোগের ঘটনায় ফ্রান্স ভিত্তিক মানবাধিকার প্রতিষ্ঠান জাস্টিসমেকার্স বাংলাদেশ ইন ফ্রান্স (জেএমবিএফ) গভীর উদ্বেগ প্রকাশ করেছে।

জেএমবিএফ বিচারিক ম্যাজিস্ট্রেটের নেতৃত্বে একটি তদন্ত কমিটি গঠন করে নিরপক্ষে তদন্তের মাধ্যমে উল্লেখিত মানবাধিকারের চরম লঙ্ঘনজনিত ঘটনার সাথে জড়িত ব্যক্তিদের খুজে বের করে দ্রুত স্বচ্ছ বিচারের মাধ্যমে অভিযুক্তদের দৃষ্টান্তমূলক শাস্তি প্রদানের জোড় দাবি করেছে।

বাংলাদেশে প্রকাশিত একাধিক সংবাদ মাধ্যম সূত্রে জানা গেছে, জামালপুর জেলার সরিষাবাড়ী থানাধীন চাপরকোনা গ্রামের আনোয়ার হোসেনকে (৪৫)গত ২৬ ডিসেম্বর বিকেলে চাঁপারকোনা বাজার থেকে একটি মামলায় গ্রেপ্তার করা হয়। সরিষাবাড়ী থানার ভারপ্রাপ্ত কর্মকর্তা (ওসি) মুশফিকুর রহমান জানান, মঙ্গলবার সন্ধ্যায় আনোয়ারকে থানায় আনার পর অসুস্থ হয়ে পড়ে। মধ্যরাত ১টার দিকে সরিষাবাড়ী উপজেলা স্বাস্থ্য কমপ্লেক্সে নেওয়ার পথে তার মৃত্যু হয়। পরে জামালপুর জেনারেল হাসপাতালে ময়নাতদন্ত শেষে তার লাশ পরিবারের কাছে হস্তান্তর করে পুলিশ।

STATEMENT: JMBF Calls for Justice and Accountability for the Alleged Two Deaths Due to Torture under Police Custody in Jamalpur & Habiganj

Paris, France; December 28, 2023: JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) is gravely concerned and outraged over the alleged death of Anwar Hossain and Golam Rabbani due to torture in police custody at Sarishabari Police Station under Jamalpur district and Baniachang Police Station under Habiganj district in Bangladesh, on December 26, 2023.

JMBF demands exemplary punishment for the culprits involved in the alleged gross human rights violation, investigating by forming an inquiry committee led by a judicial magistrate to ensure the highest levels of integrity and transparency in the proceedings.

Multiple news sources reported that Anwar Hossain (45) of village Chaparkona under Sarishabari police station in Jamalpur district was arrested on December 26 in the afternoon in connection with a case filed on December 25 for locking into an altercation with one Firoz Mia in Chaparkona market on December 10. Mushfiqur Rahman, officer-in-charge of Sarishabari police station, said Anwar fell ill after being brought to the police station on Tuesday evening. He died while being taken to Sarishabari Upazila Health Complex around 1 am. Mehedi Hasan, the duty doctor of Sarishabari Upazila Health Complex, said Anwar was brought dead to the hospital. An ECG was also performed to confirm his death. Police later handed over his dead body to his family after the completion of the autopsy by Jamalpur General Hospital. However, the deceased’s family claimed that Anwar died due to torture in custody. Anwar's wife, Alpana Begum, said that her husband was completely sound when he was picked up by the police, and her husband was killed due to torture by police in Sarishabari police station. His sister, Nurjahan Begum, demanded justice for the killing of her brother. Meanwhile, Sub-Inspector Sohel Rana, the investigating officer of the case, denied the family’s torture and murder allegations.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

STATEMENT: JMBF Condemns Cancellation of Transgender Quota at Dhaka University and Attacks on Transgender Candidates in Rangpur

Paris, France; December 26, 2023: France-based human rights organization JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) expresses grave concern and protests over the announcement of the cancellation of the transgender quota set by Dhaka University authorities in undergraduate education, in response to the movement by reactionary Muslim students. JMBF also condemns the attack on Anwara Islam Rani, a transgender independent candidate in the Rangpur-3 constituency during the 12th national election.

JMBF believes that despite being part of the backward and neglected groups in society, the cancellation of the transgender quota by Dhaka University authorities, influenced by the reactionary Muslim students' movement, and the incident of the attack on Anwara Islam Rani, an independent candidate in Rangpur-3 constituency during the 12th National Assembly elections by the leaders and activists of the Jatiya Party, a self-proclaimed opposition party in the Jatiya Sangsad, is a clear violation of Bangladesh's supreme law, the Constitution, and the universal human rights declared by the United Nations.

প্রেস বিবৃতি: ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে স্নাতক শিক্ষাক্রমে ট্রান্সজেণ্ডার কোটা বাতিল এবং রংপুরে জাতীয় সংসদ সদস্য পদপার্থী ট্রান্সজেণ্ডার নারীর উপর হামলার ঘটনায় জেএমবিএফ গভীরভাবে উদ্বিগ্ন!

প্যারিস,ফ্রান্স;২৬ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৩: প্রতিক্রিয়াশীল মুসলিম ছাত্র ছাত্রীদের আন্দোলনের মূখে ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় কর্তৃপক্ষ কর্তৃক স্নাতক পর্যায়ের শিক্ষাক্রমে নির্ধারিত ট্রান্সজেন্ডার কোটা বাতিলের ঘোষণা এবং দ্বাদশ জাতীয় সংসদ নির্বাচনে রংপুর-৩ আসনে ট্রান্সজেন্ডার নারী স্বতন্ত্র প্রার্থী আনোয়ারা ইসলাম রানীর উপর আক্রমণের ঘটনায় ফ্রান্স ভিত্তিক মানবাধিকার প্রতিষ্ঠান জাস্টিসমেকার্স বাংলাদেশ ইন ফ্রান্স (জেএমবিএফ)গভীর উদ্বেগ ও প্রতিবাদ জানিয়েছে।

সমাজের পশ্চাদপদ অবহেলিত জনগোষ্ঠির অংশ হওয়া স্বত্তেও শুধুমাত্র যৌন সংখ্যালঘু সম্প্রদায়ের অন্তর্ভূক্ত হওয়ায় প্রতিক্রিয়াশীল মুসলিম ছাত্র ছাত্রীদের আন্দোলনের মূখে ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় কর্তৃপক্ষ কর্তৃক স্নাতক পর্যায়ের শিক্ষাক্রমে নির্ধারিত ট্রান্সজেন্ডার কোটা বাতিলের ঘোষণা এবং বর্তমান সরকারের সহযোগী ও জাতীয় সংসদের তথাকথিত বিরোধী দল জাতীয় পার্টির নেতা কর্মীদের দ্বারা দ্বাদশ জাতীয় সংসদ নির্বাচনে রংপুর-৩ আসনে স্বতন্ত্র প্রার্থী ট্রান্সজেন্ডার নারী আনোয়ারা ইসলাম রানীর উপর আক্রমণের ঘটনা বাংলাদেশের সর্বোচ্চ আইন সংবিধান ও জাতিসংঘ ঘোষিত সার্বজনীন মানবাধিকারের সুস্পষ্ট লংঘন বলে জেএমবিএফ মনে করে।

Monday, December 18, 2023

Press Release: JMBF Publishes State of LGBTQI+ Rights in Bangladesh 2022: Reveals Alarming Levels of Violence

Paris, France; December 18, 2023: In a groundbreaking initiative, JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) has published the first-ever comprehensive State of LGBTQI+ Rights in Bangladesh for the year 2022, focusing on violence against LGBTQI+ people. The report, meticulously compiled by JusticeMakers Bangladesh (JMBD) and published by JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), sheds light on the harrowing struggles faced by the LGBTQI+ community in Bangladesh, offering a stark portrayal of pervasive discrimination and violence against sexual minority groups.

Advocate Shahanur Islam, Founder Secretary General of JMBD and Founder President of JMBF, expressed a profound mixture of concern and determination in the foreword, emphasizing the organization's solemn obligation to confront and rectify the injustices that plague the LGBTQI+ community in Bangladesh.

The report, emanating and published from Paris, France on December 18, 2023, through a press release underscores the gravity of the situation, being the first of its kind to meticulously document violations against the LGBTQI+ community in Bangladesh. Prior to this undertaking, no organization, whether within Bangladesh or on the global stage, has dared to provide such a comprehensive perspective on the struggles faced by the LGBTQI+ community in Bangladesh.

Advocate Shahanur Islam expresses a solemn commitment to addressing the injustices and emphasizes the collective responsibility of policymakers, legislators, civil society entities, and community leaders in effecting positive change.

প্রেস বিজ্ঞপ্তিঃ জেএমবিএফ এর বাংলাদেশে সমকামী ব্যক্তির অধিকার বিষয়ক বার্ষিক প্রতিবেদন ২০২২ প্রকাশ!

প্যারিস, ফ্রান্স; ১৮ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২৩: ফ্রান্স ভিত্তিক মানবাধিকার প্রতিষ্ঠান জাস্টিসমেকার্স বাংলাদেশ ইন ফ্রান্স (জেএমবিএফ) প্রথমবারের মতো বাংলাদেশে সমকামী ব্যক্তির প্রতি সহিংসতা, বৈষম্য ও অধিকার বিষয়ক বিস্তারিত প্রদিবেদন “বাংলাদেশে সমকামী অধিকার ২০২২” প্রকাশ করেছে।

বাংলাদেশের বিভিন্ন সংবাদ মাধ্যমে প্রকাশিত সমকামী ব্যক্তির প্রতি সহিংসতা, বৈষম্য ও অধিকার সংক্রান্ত খবর জাস্টিসমেকার্স বাংলাদেশ (জেএমবিডি)কর্তৃক নিয়মিত সংকলন ও যাচায়পূর্বক প্রাপ্ত তথ্য জাস্টিসমেকার্স বাংলাদেশ ইন ফ্রান্স (জেএমবিএফ)১৮ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৩ এ প্রতিবেদন আকারে প্রকাশ করেছে।

বাংলাদেশে যৌন সংখ্যালঘু সমকামী গোষ্ঠীর বিরুদ্ধে চলমান ব্যাপক বৈষম্য ও সহিংসতার একটি স্পষ্ট চিত্র তুলে ধরাসহ প্রতিবেদনটিতে বাংলাদেশে সমকামী সম্প্রদায় প্রতিনিয়ত যে সকল কঠিন সংগ্রামের মাধ্যমে বেঁচে রয়েছে তাঁর উপর বিস্তারিত আলোকপাত করা করেছে।

জাস্টিসমেকার্স বাংলাদেশ (জেএমবিডি)এর প্রতিষ্ঠাতা মহাসচিব এবং জাস্টিসমেকার্স বাংলাদেশ ইন ফ্রান্স (জেএমবিএফ)এর প্রতিষ্ঠাতা সভাপতি অ্যাডভোকেট শাহানুর ইসলাম প্রতিবেদনটি সম্পাদনা করেছেন। তিনি প্রতিবেদনের মুখবন্ধে বাংলাদেশে যৌন সংখ্যালঘু সমকামী সম্প্রদায় যেসব সহিংসতা, অবিচার, বৈষম্য, নির্যাতনের শিকার হয় তা নিরসনে তাঁর প্রতিষ্ঠিত মানবাধিকার সংগঠন জেএমবিডি এবং জেএমবিএফ আন্তরিকভাবে কাজ করবে বলে সংকল্প ব্যক্ত করেছেন।

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

JMBF Participates in UNESCO's 75th Anniversary Commemoration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) actively participated in the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, organized by UNESCO in collaboration with the Permanent Representation of the European Union on December 11, 2023. The event served as a momentous occasion to reaffirm the global commitment to human rights and their crucial role in UNESCO's mission encompassing education, science, culture, and communication.

Focusing on UNESCO's Global Priorities—Africa and Gender Equality—the commemoration provided a platform for diverse perspectives, addressing the connections, challenges, and opportunities for impactful action in the realm of human rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted on December 10, 1948, continues to be hailed as "the common standard of achievement for all people and all nations."

Monday, December 11, 2023

JMBF Participates in the Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

In a world grappling with challenges to human rights, France hosted a pivotal conference at the iconic Palais de Chaillot in Paris on December 10, 2023, to mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The event, organized by the French Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, in collaboration with the Minister of Justice, aimed to rekindle dialogue, foster international cooperation, and reaffirm the timeless importance of the Declaration as a foundation for fundamental rights and liberties.

The conference, titled "75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Defending the Rights of Everyone, Everywhere," was concluded by a powerful speech from the President of the Republic, Mr. Emmanuel Macron. The gathering served as a platform to address contemporary challenges to human rights and underline the universal and indivisible nature of these rights.

The event comprised three insightful round table discussions, exploring crucial themes: supporting and protecting human rights defenders, the new frontiers for rights, and fighting impunity everywhere.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Founder President of JMBF, Shahanur Islam, Presents Paper on LGBTQI+ Rights at International Conference in Berlin

Shahanur Islam, the esteemed Founder President of JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), showcased his groundbreaking research on the plight of LGBTQI+ individuals in Bangladesh at the prestigious International Conference on LGBT Studies. The event, held in Berlin, Germany from December 7th to 9th, 2023, provided a platform for scholars, activists, and advocates to address crucial issues facing the LGBTQI+ community worldwide.

Islam's paper shed light on the pervasive violence experienced by LGBTQI+ individuals in Bangladesh, delving into the socio-cultural factors contributing to their marginalization and discrimination. His research not only highlighted the challenges faced by this community but also proposed actionable strategies for promoting inclusivity and fostering acceptance within Bangladeshi society.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

JusticeMakers Bangladesh Founder President Advocates for LGBTI Rights at HELP International Conference

In a groundbreaking event organized by the Council of Europe's Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Expression (SOGI) unit, the Help international course launch and conference on LGBTI persons in the asylum procedure took place on December 4, 2023, at the Council of Europe premises in Strasbourg, France. Advocate Shahanur Islam, Founder President of JusticeMakers Bangladesh (JMBF), was in attendance, emphasizing the organization's commitment to promoting justice and human rights for all.

The conference featured esteemed speakers such as Thorsten Afflerbach, Head of Division, Inclusion and Anti-Discrimination Programmes at the Council of Europe, Jeroen Schokkenbroek, Director of the Directorate of Anti-Discrimination, and Leyla Kayacik, Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe for Migration and Refugees. Other notable participants included Andreas Wissner, UNHCR Representative to the European Institutions in Strasbourg, and Eva Pastrana, Head of the HELP Programme at the Council of Europe.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Statement: JMBF expresses deep concern about the restriction of a transgender woman from participating in the Women's Career Carnival as a speaker at North South University.

Paris, France; November 26, 2023: The France-based human rights organization, JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), has expressed profound concern and protest over the cancellation of the scheduled session featuring Bangladeshi transgender woman Ho Chi Minh Islam as a speaker at the Women's Career Carnival. The cancellation was reportedly influenced by pressure from conservative student groups at North South University. JMBF believes that the discriminatory treatment of Ho Chi Minh Islam, solely because she is a transgender woman, is a blatant violation of Bangladesh's Supreme Law Constitution and the universal human rights declared by the United Nations.

Based on various reliable sources, JMBF has learned that on November 24-25, 2023, two organizations, Heroes for All and ISOSHAL, organized the Women's Career Carnival at the North South University campus. The event aimed to empower women through networking, learning, and professional development. Transgender woman and rights activist Ho Chi Minh Islam was scheduled to participate as a speaker in a session on the afternoon of November 24. Her speech was intended to address the inclusion of marginalized communities in the workforce and the creation of an inclusive environment for their work.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Statement: JMBF Urges Justice for the Killing of Homosexual Butcher Khairul Islam in Dhaka

Paris, France; November 20, 2023: JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) expresses grave concern over the recent tragic and heinous murder of Khairul Islam, a gay butcher at Dakkhinkhan in Dhaka on the night of November 12, 2023.

The rights organization urges the government to give exemplary punishment to the alleged culprit through a prompt and fair trial. Additionally, they call for immediate measures to protect members of the LGBT community, preventing similar incidents in the future.

According to reports from various Bangladeshi news media, police recovered Butcher Khairul's bloodied body wrapped in a blanket from his shop in Dakshinkhan police station in Dhaka on the night of September 12, 2023. One wound was found on his nose, and three sharp weapon wounds were discovered on his neck. Initially, investigators had no leads, but later, individuals were arrested on suspicion. During intensive interrogation, Shahidul Islam, a butcher from a nearby shop, admitted that he worked at Judge Mia's meat shop in Adam Ali Market. Every day, after selling meat, he went home to Bereid. However, on the day of the incident, Khairul asked him to sleep in his shop, "Afsal Gost Bitan." Shahidul agreed, and around 11 o'clock, Khairul allegedly attempted a homosexual advance. Shahidul, angered by this, hit Khairul's face with a meat cutter chapati from Khairul's butcher's box, causing him to fall. Shahidul then struck Khairul's right-side neck more than three times to ensure his death. After confirming the victim's death, he wiped the body with a blanket, placed it in a box, covered Khairul with another blanket, and fled the scene.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

JMBF Founder Shahanur Islam Addresses at Seminar on Asylum Process in France

Paris,France; November 19, 2023: In a compelling seminar organized by Solidarities Asie France (SAF) in Paris on November 18, 2023, Bangladeshi Human Rights Lawyer and Founder President of JusticeMakers Bangladesh, Advocate Shahanur Islam, took center stage to shed light on 
reasons compelling Bangladeshi citizens to leave their homeland for Europe, particularly France, and seek asylum. The event drew the participation of around 40 Bangladeshi asylum seekers at various stages of their application.

The seminar, aimed at providing valuable insights into the asylum procedures at different stages, featured notable speakers, including France Lawyer Mr. Akash Helal, Paris Youth Councillor Nayan NK, and Researcher Gaktane Lamarche Vadel.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

JMBF Calls for an End to Border Shootings by BSF on the Indo-Bangla Border

Paris, France; November 14, 2023: JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) expresses deep concern regarding the tragic death of Samirul Haque, a 16-year-old Bangladeshi, due to gunfire by the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) at the Godagari border in the Rajshahi district on November 09, 2023.

The human rights organization based in France, JMBF, strongly condemns the killing of Samirul Haque and calls for a halt to all border killings by the BSF, in compliance with international laws and principles.

As reported by various Bangladeshi newspapers, on November 9th at noon, Samirul Haque, son of Hasibul Islam from Barinagar village, was fatally shot by the BSF at the Godagari border in Rajshahi. The incident occurred at the Diyar Manikchak border of Charashariadah union in the Godagari upazila of Rajshahi district.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) Participates Paris Peace Forum 2023 in France

JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) proudly participated in the prestigious Paris Peace Forum 2023, marking the 6th edition of this international gathering held at the historic Palais Brongniart in the heart of Paris, France, from November 10th to 11th, 2023.

Mr. Moynuddin Khan, Treasurer of JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France, attends as one of the esteemed delegates at Paris Peace Forum 2023. JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) emphasized the importance of facilitating dialogue, creating action-oriented coalitions, and defining norms to provide efficient responses to the pressing challenges of our time.

Friday, November 10, 2023

ReportOUT and JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France Collaborate to Study LGBTQI Issues in Bangladesh

In a landmark move, ReportOUT, a UK-based human rights research organization, partners with JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) to delve into the realities of sexual and gender minorities in Bangladesh.

In a groundbreaking collaboration for human rights advocacy, two internationally recognized organizations, ReportOUT from the United Kingdom and JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), have officially sealed a Memorandum of Understanding. The agreement, inked in October 2023, is poised to undertake an extensive study focusing on the LGBTQI community in Bangladesh.

Representatives Drew Dalton, Chair, and Founder, alongside Phil Thomas, Lead Trustee of Human Rights Research, represented ReportOUT. On the other side, Advocate Shahanur Islam, Founder President of JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), stood as the face of the Memorandum of Understanding.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) Participates in the World Democracy Forum 2023 in Strasbourg, France

Paris, France; November 8, 2023: JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) proudly participated in the prestigious World Democracy Forum 2023, which took place in Trausbourg, France, from November 6th to 8th. The forum was organized by the Council of Europe in collaboration with the Strasbourg City Council, the European Collectivity of Alsace, the Grand Est Region, and the French Government.

Madame Tanne Bithi Sarder, Vice President of JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), was among the distinguished participants who convened at this international forum.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Statement: JMBF Calls for Justice for the Death of Nurul Islam Due to Alleged Police Torture in Narayangan

Paris, France; October 7, 2023: JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) is deeply concerned and outraged over the tragic death of Nurul Islam (55), a poultry businessman, due to alleged torture by plainclothes policemen following their raid on his home in Sonargaon, Narayanganj on November 6, 2023.

JMBF urges the formation of an inquiry committee, led by a judicial magistrate, to investigate this incident, ensuring the highest levels of integrity and transparency in the proceedings. JMBF also calls for exemplary punishment for the alleged culprits through a fair and transparent trial under the Prohibition of Torture and Death in Custody Law 2013.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Statement: JMBF Expresses Deep Concern and Outrage over Arbitrary Arrests and Police Brutality against Pro BNP-Jamaat Lawyers in Bangladesh.

Paris, France: November 4, 2023 - JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) deeply expresses concern and outrage over the arbitrary arrests, fabrication of false cases, and the occurrence of police brutality against lawyers associated with the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh during peaceful demonstrations and protests in Dhaka and Faridpur.

France-based human rights organization, JMBF, calls for the identification of the accused through an impartial investigation led by a High Court Judge and the immediate, unconditional release of the arrested lawyers, along with the dropping of all charges against them.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Statement: JMBF Demands an End to All Killings by BSF at the Indo-Bangla Border

Paris, France; November 01, 2023: JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) expresses profound concern regarding the killing of a Bangladeshi citizen, Ainul Haque (32), due to gunfire by the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) at the Tetulia border in the Panchagarh district on the early morning of November 01, 2023.

The France-based human rights organization, JMBF, strongly condemns the killing of Ainul Haque and urges an end to all kinds of killings at the Indo-Bangla border by BSF, in accordance with international laws and principles.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Statement: JMBF Once Again Calls for Removal of Death Penalty Provision in Ansar Battalion Act, 2023

Paris, France; October 25, 2023: JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), an independent, non-partisan, non-profit human rights organization based in France, expresses deep concern regarding the placement of the Ansar Battalion Act, 2023, with the inclusion of the death penalty provision in the National Parliament of Bangladesh on October 23, 2023. This proposed law imposes the death penalty as the maximum punishment for various offenses, including mutiny and provocation for rebellion.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Statement: JMBF Demands Prompt Justice for Murder of Self-Identified Transgender Drummer in Bangladesh

Paris, France; October 22, 2023: JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), a France-based human rights organization, is deeply concerned about the brutal murder of Babul Mridha (60), a drummer in a transgender Hijra group, in Naria upazila under the Shariyatpur district in Bangladesh.

JMBF demands that the perpetrators be brought to justice under the law by identifying and apprehending those responsible for this heinous act through a prompt, impartial, and transparent investigation and trial.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Statement: JMBF Expresses Deep Concern over BSF's Fatal Shooting of Bangladeshi Citizen at Tetulia Border, Panchagarh

Paris, France; October 20, 2023: JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), a human rights organization based in France, expresses profound concern regarding the tragic incident of killing a Bangladeshi citizen, Mr. Akkas Ali (35), due to gunfire by the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) at the Tetulia border in the Panchagarh district.

JMBF vehemently condemns the killing of Bangladeshi citizen Akkas Ali and urgently calls upon the BSF to cease all instances of border shootings during their duty, aligning with international laws and principles.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Statement: JMBF Gravely Concerns over BSF’s Killing of Bangladeshi Child at Moulovibazar Border

Paris, France; October 16, 2023: France-based human rights organization, JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), is deeply concerned about the killing of a Bangladeshi child, Ferdaus Ahmed (14), by the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) at the Lalarchak border in Kulaura Upazila of Moulovibazar district.

JMBF strongly condemns the incident of killing a child and calls for the BSF to stop all kinds of border killings while carrying out their duties in accordance with international law and principles immediately.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Statement: JMBF Expresses Deep Concern and Protests against the Arrest of a Hindu Woman in Bagerhat on Allegations of Insulting the Islamic religion

Paris, France; October 7, 2023: JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) expresses profound concern and strong protest regarding the arrest of a Hindu minority woman on allegations of insulting the Islamic religion in Bagerhat, Bangladesh, on September 26, 2023. The human rights organization, JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), also calls for the immediate release of the arrested woman and the withdrawal of the false charges filed against her.

According to reliable sources, on September 24, 2023, in the Ramphal Union of Bagerhat district, a 45-year-old Hindu minority woman named Rupali Das was involved in a verbal altercation with an Islamic woman named Momena Begum when she went to fetch water at a tube well. Momena Begum, with malicious intent, accused Rupali Das of insulting Islam by using offensive language.

Friday, October 6, 2023

Statement: JMBF Calls for Justice and Accountability for the Death of Habibur Rahman due to torture in Police Custody in Bogura

Paris, France; October 06, 2023: JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) expresses its deepest concern and outrage over the tragic death of Habibur Rahman Habib due to torture in police custody in Bogura, Bangladesh, on October 3, 2023.

JMBF states that Habib's death in police custody has cast a dark shadow on the state of human rights and the rule of law in the country. It calls for the formation of an inquiry committee to investigate this incident, led by a judicial magistrate, to ensure the highest levels of integrity and transparency in the proceedings.

Multiple news sources reported that Habibur Rahman Habib, a lawyer’s assistant to the Bogura Judge Court, suffered torture during his time in police custody and was taken to the hospital only after he had passed away. He was taken from the court premises in the afternoon of October 3, around 5:45 pm, without a warrant or any FIR, and subjected to alleged torture at the DB police office, ultimately leading to his untimely demise.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Joint Statement: Call for the release of two human rights defenders unjustly detained in Bangladesh

JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) along with 72 human rights organisations stand in solidarity with Adilur Rahman Khan and ASM Nasiruddin Elan, two prominent Bangladeshi human rights activists from the Odhikar group, after they were sentenced to two years’ imprisonment as retaliation for their human rights work.

On 14 September 2023, Adilur Rahman Khan, Secretary of Odhikar, as well as a member of the OMCT General Assembly and FIDH Secretary General, and ASM Nasiruddin Elan, Director of Odhikar, were sentenced to two years in prison and a fine, following ten years of relentless judicial harassment. The two men were remanded at Dhaka Central Jail. Khan and Elan’s lawyers plan to appeal the decision once the court has issued its written judgment, which could take months.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Statement:JMBF Strongly Condemns and Protests the Brutal Attack on Poet Radhapad Ray in Kurigram, Bangladesh

Paris, France: October 03, 2023: JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) strongly condemns and protests the barbaric attack on renowned poet Radhapad Ray in Nagishwari Upazila of Kurigram on September 30, 2023.

JMBF has also called for the immediate arrest of the accused in the said attack and ensuring the provision of exemplary punishment to the culprits after a fair and impartial investigation, in line with human rights principles

According to a report published in the online edition of the Daily Kalbela on October 2, the attack took place on the poet in his village in the Betharband Union of Nageshwari Upazila in Kurigram district on Saturday, September 30. A young man named Rafiqul Islam (38), a neighbor, suddenly attacked him. As a result of the attack, poet Radhapad Roy was seriously injured and is currently undergoing treatment at Nageshwari Health Complex.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France Quarterly eNewsletter (Jul-Sep 2023)

We are thrilled to unveil the latest issue of our quarterly eNewsletter, covering July to September 2023, which marks a significant milestone following the establishment of JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) in June. In July 2023, we successfully obtained official registration under French Association Law 1901.

This legal recognition propels us forward, allowing us to amplify our endeavors and reaffirming our steadfast commitment to justice, human rights, and community empowerment.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Statement: JMBF Expresses Deep Concern over BSF’s Killing of Bangladeshi Citizen at Chuadanga Border

Paris, France; September 29, 2023: The Justicemakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), a human rights organization base in France, is deeply concerned about the killing of a Bangladeshi citizen, Robiul Islam, by the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) at the Thakurpur border in Damurhuda Upazila of Chuadanga on the night of September 27.

JMBF strongly condemns the incident and calls for the BSF to exercise the utmost caution in carrying out their duties in accordance with international law.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

French-Bengali Attorney Joins Hands with JMBF to Provide Pro Bono Legal Support

Paris, September 28, 2023: In a significant development towards the promotion of human rights and justice, prominent French-Bengali attorney  Chitro Shahabuddin Maître, a member of the Paris Bar, has agreed to offer her legal expertise pro bono to Bangladeshi citizens residing in France through her collaboration with JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF).

The partnership was formalized during a meeting held on September 26, 2023, at the prestigious 9, Rue du Val de Grâce, 75005 PARIS, where Advocate Shahanur Islam, the Founder President of JMBF, and Maître Chitro Shahabuddin discussed their shared commitment to providing legal support to those in need. Moynuddin Khan, Treasurer of JMBF, also participated in this significant meeting.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Urgent Appeal: Take Immediate Action Against Police Officers Involved in Torture of Student Leader in Narayanganj

Mr. Asaduzzaman Khan, MP
Honorable Minister
Ministry of Home Affairs
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Bangladesh Secretariat

Dear Honorable Minister,

Greetings from JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF)

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to you on behalf of JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), a human rights organization deeply concerned about a recent incident of police brutality in Narayanganj, Bangladesh.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Shahanur Islam's Blog Post Spotlighted in UK Home Office Report on LGBTQ+ Rights in Bangladesh

Bangladeshi prominent human rights lawyer Shahanur Islam's blog post on LGBTQI+ rights in Bangladesh has been highlighted in the "Country Policy and Information Note: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Bangladesh," published by the UK Home Office's Visa and Immigration department on September 5, 2023. Shahanur's article, titled "How can society promote equality and respect for LGBTQI+ rights in Bangladesh?" was one of the most highlighted pieces in the report.

Additionally, JusticeMakers Bangladesh, a prominent nonprofit organization, founded by Shahanur Islam, dedicated to LGBTQ+ rights and social justice in Bangladesh, has received international recognition for its tireless efforts. In a recent report published by the Visa and Immigration department under the UK Home Office, JusticeMakers Bangladesh's activities and a notable blog post of Shahanur Islam have been prominently featured. 

Monday, September 18, 2023

Statement: Strong Condemnation and Protest by JMBF over killing of a Bangladeshi citizen by BSF

Paris, France: September 18, 2023- JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), a France base human rights organization, strongly condemns and protests the killing of a Bangladeshi citizen, Mizanur Rahman (50), by the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) on September 15, 2023, at Beninpur border of Chuadanga, Bangladesh.

JMBF believes that the killing of an unarmed civilian by the BSF on the border is a gross violation of human rights. BSF personnel must exercise utmost caution and refrain from indiscriminate firing while performing their duties, so as to avoid any harm to civilians.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Statement: JMBF Expresses Grave Concern over Sentencing of Two Human Rights Defenders in Bangladesh

PARIS, FRANCE - September 16, 2023 – JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), a France-based human rights organization, is deeply alarmed by the recent verdict that has sentenced two Bangladeshi human rights defenders Adilur Rahman Khan and ASM Nasiruddin Elan to two years' imprisonment.

The imprisonment of these two human rights defenders raises serious questions about the state of freedom for human rights activists and activism in Bangladesh. JMBF stands in solidarity with Adilur Rahman Khan and ASM Nasiruddin Elan, two unwavering champions of human rights in Bangladesh.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Statement: JMBF Expresses Deep Concern over the Police Attack on Pro-BNP Lawyers' Protest March in Dhaka

Paris, France: 12th September 2023 - The human rights organization JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) has expressed profound concern and anger over the police attack that resulted in injuries to 12 lawyers during a protest march by BNP lawyers demanding the resignation of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), a Paris-based human rights organization, is calling for a swift and impartial investigation into the incident of the police attack and immediate punishment following a transparent trial under criminal law for those responsible.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Statement: JMBF Expresses Grave Concern over the Brutal Torture of Two Student Leaders in Police Custody!

Paris, France: September 10, 2023** - The human rights organization Justice Makers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) expresses grave concern and outrage regarding the physical torture of two student leaders in police custody at the Shahabag police station in the capital city of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

The Paris-based human rights organization, Justice Makers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), issued a press statement on September 10, calling for an immediate judicial investigation into the incident to identify the accused and ensure exemplary punishment through a transparent judicial process.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Statement: JMBF Expresses Deep Concern Negative Portrayal of Homosexuality in Daily Sangram

Paris, France: September 9, 2023 - The France-based human rights organization JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) has expressed its profound dismay and concern over the negative portrayal of Bangladeshi homosexuals in the Daily Sangram newspaper, published in Dhaka.

The human rights organization calls upon the newspaper to issue an immediate apology for disseminating negative content regarding homosexuals and urges it to refrain from spreading further misinformation about homosexuality.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Statement: JMBF Expresses Grave Concerns over the Inclusion of the Death Penalty in Ansar Battalion Act, 2023

Paris, France– JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF) is gravely concerns over the Cabinet approval of the Ansar Battalion Act, 2023, by the Government of Bangladesh on September 4, 2023, which includes the death penalty as the maximum punishment for various offenses, including mutiny and provocation for rebellion.

The decision to uphold the death penalty as the ultimate form of punishment under this new legislation is a matter of profound concern, and JMBF strongly demands for reducing the maximum penalty from death to life imprisonment until the end of natural life.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

গোপালগঞ্জে গভীর রাতে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ছাত্রকে পুলিশী নির্যাতনের বিষয়ে যথাযথ তদন্তপূর্বক প্রয়োজনীয় ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করা হোক!

জনাব আসাদুজ্জামান খান, এম.পি
মাননীয় মন্ত্রী
স্বরাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রণালয়
গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকার
বাংলাদেশ সচিবালয়

বিষয়ঃ গোপালগঞ্জে গভীর রাতে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ছাত্রকে পুলিশী নির্যাতনের বিষয়ে যথাযথ তদন্তপূর্বক প্রয়োজনীয় ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করা হোক!