Wednesday, October 19, 2022

CCBE urgent to PM of Bangladesh on intensifying threats against lawyer Shahanur Islam

I am writing to you on behalf of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE), which represents the bars and law societies of 46 countries, and through them more than 1 million European lawyers. The CCBE places great emphasis on respect for human rights and the rule of law and is particularly concerned with the situation of human rights defenders around the world.

The CCBE would like to reiterate its serious concern over the death threats against lawyer Shahanur Islam.

According to information we have received, following our letter of early October expressing our concerns about the safety of lawyer Shahanur Islam, we understand that the threats against him have intensified due to his continuous work as a lawyer in defence of human rights.

It is indeed reported that on 6 October 2022, 3 to 5 people forcefully stopped his cousin, Saidul Islam at Kolabazar Naogaon. It is reported that they threatened him to kill Shahanur Islam, if the latter did not withdraw the cases against Jahurul Islam and the aggressors who physically attacked him at the court premises of Naogaon district in 2020.

It is reported that one of the individuals involved was the brother-in-law of Jahurul Islam and member of the criminal gang of Jahurul, who took part in the physical attack against Shahanur Islam in 2020. We understand that the case is under investigation by the Police Bureau of Investigation in Naogon.

Lawyer Shahanur Islam is a well-known human rights lawyer who has defended the rights of ethnic, religious, political and sexual minorities, as well as in cases of torture, extrajudicial killing.

In this context, the CCBE wishes to draw again your attention to the United Nations Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers (attached), in particular Principles 16, 17 and 18 on Guarantees for the functioning of lawyers and Principle 23 on Freedom of expression and association.

In view of the above, the CCBE respectfully urges Your Excellency to do everything in your power to urgently provide adequate protection to lawyer Shahanur Islam and his family, since it is believed that this continuous acts of threats and harassment are based on his legitimate activities as a human rights lawyer. 

The CCBE also respectfully asks Your Excellency to continue the full and impartial investigation into these death threats, with a view to bringing those responsible to justice in accordance with international standards. In addition, the CCBE wishes to recall that all lawyers should be able to carry out their professional duties without fear of reprisal, hindrance, intimidation or harassment in order to preserve the independence and integrity of the administration of justice and the rule of law.

Yours sincerely,

James MacGuill 
SC President

To read original appeal please visit the following link:

============================================================ Advocate Shahanur Islam | An Young, Ascendant, Dedicated Human Rights Defender, Lawyer and Blogger in Bangladesh, Fighting for Ensuring Human Rights, Rule of Law, Good Governance, Peace and Social Justice For the Victim of Torture, Extra Judicial Killing, Force Disappearance, Trafficking in Persons including Ethnic, Religious, Sexual and Social Minority People.

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