Sunday, August 28, 2022

JusticeMakers gravely concerns over the recent killing of trans woman in Dhaka

Bangladeshi human rights organisation JusticeMakers has expressed gravely concern over the recent killing of trans woman in Dhaka. It also urges to the government of Bangladesh to arrest all the culprits who were involved with the brutal murder of transgender woman and bring the culprits before the book and give exemplary punishment after quick and impartial investigation.

According to the news published on different newspaper that Maksudur Rahman Diana, a transgender woman’s body was recovered from a room inside a single-storey house in Golap Bagh of Wari in the capital on August 27 afternoon.

The police have arrested a young man named Shoaib Akhtar Laden in the case of the murder of transgender woman Diana in Jatrabari’s Golap Bagh. Shoaib Akhtar Laden was arrested from Nalitabari in Sherpur on Monday for his involvement in the murder.

Diana was a person of the third gender woman. she has six siblings and are all US citizens. Diana herself also had US citizenship. However, for the last two years, he was living in a rented house at Golapbagh in Jatrabari..

JusticeMakers Bangladesh’s founder secretary general, a prominent lawyer and LGBT rights campaigner Advocate Shahanur Islam is deeply aggrieved with the murder and asked the police authority to comple the investigation the incident of Diana’s killing as soon as possible.

Advocate Shahnur Islam believes that the incident of said murder is not an isolated incident in Bangladesh; rather violation and discrimination against LGBT people including transgender women are widespread all around the country.

Advocate Shahanur also thinks that though the government of Bangladesh has recognized transgender as third gender and has took some initiative to socially rehabilitated, but those are not sufficient and fruitful.

Furthermore, Advocate Shahanur thinks that the LGBT community people including transgender's are facing discrimination and others form of human rights violation in home to society and society to state. Most of those incidents of violations are remained behind due to social unacceptability and intolerance as well as existing section 377 of Bangladesh Penal Code, which is discriminatory against LGBT people.

Finally, Advocated Shahanur Islam demands to repeal the discriminatory section 377 of Bangladesh Penal Code and enact law of protection of LGBT people in Bangladesh ensuring constitutional recognition.

============================================================ Advocate Shahanur Islam | An Young, Ascendant, Dedicated Human Rights Defender, Lawyer and Blogger in Bangladesh, Fighting for Ensuring Human Rights, Rule of Law, Good Governance, Peace and Social Justice For the Victim of Torture, Extra Judicial Killing, Force Disappearance, Trafficking in Persons including Ethnic, Religious, Sexual and Social Minority People.

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