Wednesday, December 1, 2021

LETTER to UNSG: United Nations Regional Human Rights Commission in Asia.

Mr. António Guterres
Secretary General
United Nations

Dear Secretary General Guterres,

As a recognized UN organization together with Asian organizations and individuals listed below, we are writing to ask that you do all you can to bring about a United Nations Regional Human Rights Commission in Asia.

Considering that Asia is so large and diverse, the continent poses considerable challenges for organizations and individuals within the region to develop a harmonised approach to prevalent human rights issues, collaborate together and coordinate any human rights issues.

Also, the benefits of an Asian Human Rights UN-Connected Commission would include the following:

· Legitimizing and building a dialogue around human rights standards

· Creation of international and domestic goodwill

· Education of citizens, states, corporations, and organizations on the importance of respecting human rights

· Entitlement of individuals to go to local international forums

The success of Human Rights Commissions in the Americas, Africa, and Europe is a promising template that Asia should follow. For example, one of the discussion results has been voting by all those incarcerated.

Thus, your leadership is crucial to bringing about a Commission in Asia, the only continent that does not have this most important and most needed entity.


Shahanur Islam
Secretary General
Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights(BIHR)
JusticeMakers Bangladesh,


Brett Collins, Australia


Asian CURE Coalition


Charles Sullivan


International CURE*


Sarmad Ali. Pakistan


Asian CURE Coalition


Asian Countries



Miranda Forsyth and John Braithwaite

Centre for Restorative Justice

Australian National University

Brett Collins



John Braithwaite


School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet)

Australian National University                        

Lennon Chang

Asia Pacific Forum for Restorative Justice


Shahanur Islam

Honorary Executive Director

Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR)

Mst. Jannatul Ferdaus

Honorary Program Officer

JusticeMakers Bangladesh


Fr. Dr. Sebastian Thekkanath

Activist in human rights

Former national director of Prison Ministry India


Colin Singer


Indonesia International Initiatives (TIGA-I)



Michael H. Fox


Japan Innocence and Death Penalty Information Center.

Hyogo University

Kakogawa City


Noriko Hiruma

Japan Catholic Council for Justice and Peace

New Zealand

Jim Consedine

Founding national coordinator –

Restorative Justice Network


Sarmad Ali

Executive Director

Legal Awareness Watch Pakistan

Waheed Ahmad

Human Rights Consultant

Advocate High Court


Omar Rahal 

Human Rights & Democracy Media Center “SHAMS 



Loreta Castro

Center for Peace Education

Miriam College, Quezon City

Christine Vertucci

Director, Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute Foundation, Inc.

Davao City


ArchPriest Alexander Kosov

Chairman of the Prison Ministry

Department of the Krasnoyarsk Diocese

Sri Lanka

Jeeva Niriella

Founding Dean, Faculty of Criminal Justice

Sir John Kotelawala Defence University


Miss Anchana Heemmina

Duayjai Group


Father Harry J. Bury PhD

Keys to the City (Ho Chi Minh)



International Organizations

Annemarie O’Connor

Passionists International

NGO Representative to the UN

Aladdin P. Luzon, OSA

Representative to the United Nations

Augustinians International (AI)

Kevin McBride

for Pax Christi Aotearoa

National section of Pax Christi International

Marvie Misolas

Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, Inc.

(ECOSOC Accredited NGO)

James Claffey

NGO of the Congregation of the Mission

Janet Palafox IBVM and Cynthia Mathew CJ

NGO Representative to the United Nations

Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary NGO Office


============================================================ Advocate Shahanur Islam | An Young, Ascendant, Dedicated Human Rights Defender, Lawyer and Blogger in Bangladesh, Fighting for Ensuring Human Rights, Rule of Law, Good Governance, Peace and Social Justice For the Victim of Torture, Extra Judicial Killing, Force Disappearance, Trafficking in Persons including Ethnic, Religious, Sexual and Social Minority People.

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