Thursday, July 1, 2021

BIHR and JusticeMakers Bangladesh Joint statement: BUILDING BACK BETTER FOR STATELESS PEOPLE

In June 2020, JusticeMakers Bangladesh along with 84 other civil society actors issued a joint statement ‘In Solidarity with the Stateless’ calling on: States, UN agencies, human rights, humanitarian and public health actors, donors and the media to address the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on stateless people and those at risk of statelessness. One year on, the concerns expressed in that statement remain largely unaddressed, with the situation of stateless people further deteriorating, partly due to failures to acknowledge and respond to their specific contexts and uphold their rights. Moreover, new concerns and challenges, particularly around vaccine inequity, have also emerged. The 106 civil society actors, co-signatories to this statement, are deeply concerned that many States and other key stakeholders have been unable or unwilling to learn from past mistakes and have failed to adequately prioritise and resource the practical steps that can and must be taken to protect stateless people and the right to nationality.