Tuesday, March 3, 2020

BIHR Celebrates Music Freedom Day 2020 in Bangladesh

Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights along with its partner organization JusticeMakers Bangladesh and Ekushe Parishad, Naogaon celebrates the Music Freedom Day 2020 at Naogaon today. The celebration of music freedom day is coordinated and supported by Freemuse. They music freedom day celebrates in Bangladesh first ever time.

With the theme of Arts across Border a human chain and rally is organized at Kachari Naogaon as the part of the celebration. Around 120 people from different profession including civil society member, art and cultural performers and activist are participated the human chain and rally.

After organizing human chain and rally an open discussion is organized at the open stage of Naogaon before Pari Mohan Library. The discussion meeting is presided over by Mr. DM Abdul Bari, president, Ekushe Parishad, Naogaon, where Mr. Shariful Islam Khan, Former Principal, Naogaon University College as well as an Arts Rights Activist is participated as chief guest. Advocate Shahanur Islam, Secretary General of Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights and JusticeMakers Bangladesh as well as a persecuted Columnist, Blogger and Human Rights Activist delivered the welcome speech during the discussion.

The discussants demanded to ensure the freedom of artistic expression as well as freedom of opinion as stated in constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and other international human rights instrument including UDHR, ICESCR during the open discussion. They also urged the immediate release of the resent arrested Baul singer Mr. Shariyat Boyati at Tangail as well as ensure his physical and psychological security of him and his family members during the discussion meeting.

Followed by the discussion meeting an open air live Baul concert was performed by the local Baul Groups. Baul Mr. Ataul Haque Bablu, Baul Mr. Samsuzzaman Sadhu, Baul Ms. Jannatul Parveen and Baul Mr. KM Samsuddin and their groups performed at live Baul concert as the part of celebration Music Freedom day 2020 at Naogon, Bangladesh.

BIHR, JusticeMakers Bangladesh and Ekushe Parishad, Naogaon also issued the press release and press statement to the news media in Bangladesh emphasizing the importance of this day. .

Apart from the said activities BIHR, JusticeMakers Bangladesh and Ekushe Parishad, Naogaon disseminate the all activities and participates the campaign through social media and blog.

============================================================ Advocate Shahanur Islam | An Young, Ascendant, Dedicated Human Rights Defender, Lawyer and Blogger in Bangladesh, Fighting for Ensuring Human Rights, Rule of Law, Good Governance, Peace and Social Justice For the Victim of Torture, Extra Judicial Killing, Force Disappearance, Trafficking in Persons including Ethnic, Religious, Sexual and Social Minority People.

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