Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Police Officers Trained on Trafficking Case Management at Rangpur

A three days long Trafficking in Persons Training Course for First Responder Police Officers was conducted at the In-service Training Centre, Police line, Dinajpur on 29 to 31 august 2016 by Winrock International, financial cooperation with USAID's Bangladesh Counter Trafficking in Persons Program.
The course's goal was to provide front line law enforcement officials with the necessary knowledge, attitude and skills to provide an effective first response to human trafficking cases.

A total of 25 participants of Sub-Inspector and Inspector level from different departments of police located in 8 Districts under Rangpur Division participated the training, as per the graphic below: 

The training aims to help police officers demonstrate a clear understanding of how human trafficking works within the framework of recruitment, transportation and exploitation and to create and understanding of the victims and perpetrators of TIP. The focus is to understand the importance of rapid and accurate identification of victims using the victim identification checklist. 

The training also increases the awareness of the roles and responsibilities of police investigators, such as preparing and conducting initial evidence interviews with victims, locating and arresting trafficking suspects, searching, seizing and securing relevant trafficking evidence and promoting effective collaboration with prosecutors. 

The following graphic illustrates the pre-test and post-test increase results for both – prosecutors and police - with a visible increase on their knowledge:

The training was facilitated by Ms. Irinel Cocos, Chief of Party BC/TIP, Mr. Shahanur Islam, Prosecution Manager, BC/TIP, Ms. Dipta Rakshit, Technical team Leader, BC/TIP and SM Mohammad Ali, Deputy Solicitor, Law and Justice Division, MoLJPA.

The Training was inaugurated by the Md. Hamidul Alam, Superintend of Police, Dinalpur while Mr. Kajem Dddin, Additional Superintend Police (DSB) also was present.

============================================================ Advocate Shahanur Islam | An Young, Ascendant, Dedicated Human Rights Defender, Lawyer and Blogger in Bangladesh, Fighting for Ensuring Human Rights, Rule of Law, Good Governance, Peace and Social Justice For the Victim of Torture, Extra Judicial Killing, Force Disappearance, Trafficking in Persons including Ethnic, Religious, Sexual and Social Minority People.

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