Friday, September 28, 2012

Bangladesh Govt failing to ensure Human Rights of Minority Hindus : Alleges JusticeMakers Bangladesh

Chittagong, February 27, 2012: 
Bangladesh government is failing to ensure protection for its citizen and Hindu community which is a ‘minority. This is alleged by ‘JusticeMakers Bangladesh’, a human rights watchdog in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a secular ‘People’s Republic’ but having a strong dominance of the Islamic fundamentalists since

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Police failure to investigate unprovoked attack against Advocate Shahanur Islam, GHRD’s local partner in Bangladesh

On the August 24, GHRD’s local observer and human rights defender, Advocate Shahanur Islam, was subjected to an unprovoked physical assault in Dhaka, Bangladesh. While at this point there is no suspicion that the attack is related to his human rights work, GHRD is appalled that despite international calls for increased protection of Mr Islam, the police failed to come to the scene of the assault.