Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Update on arson attack against indigenous Jumma in Chittagong Hill Tracts

In February and April of this year, hundreds of indigenous Jumma people living in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh were attacked and around one hundred houses and one school were burned to ashes.

Seven months later and the majority of those attacked, around two thirds, are still living in temporary shelters – a big concern now that it is rainy season.

Despite stated government commitment to help the victims and a fact finding investigation conducted by the National Human Rights Commission of Bangladesh (NHRC), little has been done in practice to help the victims.
GHRD is particularly concerned that the government has not thus far conducted a full and impartial investigation, nor have they arrested any of the identified perpetrators. No investigations into the role of the border guards of Bangladesh in the attacks have been made.

The fact finding investigation conducted by the NHRC is a positive step forward. GHRD looks forward to seeing the results of this investigation and encourages the NHRC to continue to lobby the government to create positive change in the CHT region.

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