Tuesday, May 15, 2012

LETTER: to ensure the protection of human rights defender & lawyer Mr. Shahanur Islam

CURE USA, July 11, 2011
I would like to express my concern for human rights defender Advocate Shahanur Islam, who has recently received threats against his life. According to information I received from Global Human Rights Defence (GHRD), these threats are linked to an incident earlier in January this year when Adv. Islam was attacked during a fact finding mission in Thakurgaon district. He and his two fact-finding officers were physically attacked, threatened and had all their belongings looted. One of the perpetrators of the January attacks has recently got out of jail custody and is said to be responsible for the death threats Adv. Islam is now experiencing.

USA, July 11, 2011 
Mrs. Sheikh Hasina
Prime Minister
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Office of the Prime Minister

Dear Mrs. Hasina,

I would like to express my concern for human rights defender Advocate Shahanur Islam, who has recently received threats against his life. According to information I received from Global Human Rights Defence (GHRD), these threats are linked to an incident earlier in January this year when Adv. Islam was attacked during a fact finding mission in Thakurgaon district. He and his two fact-finding officers were physically attacked, threatened and had all their belongings looted. One of the perpetrators of the January attacks has recently got out of jail custody and is said to be responsible for the death threats Adv. Islam is now experiencing.

This incident is one of many that have taken place over the past few years, when Mr. Islam has been exposed to threats and assault as a result of his work to protect minorities in the country. Human rights defenders are frequently subjected to harassment from authorities in Bangladesh. The incident must be investigated and I urge for immediate government intervention to ensure the protection of human rights defenders and lawyers in their daily work in Bangladesh.


Charles Sullivan
Executive Director
International CURE (Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants)
PO Box 2310
National Capital Station
Washington, DC 20013