Monday, October 25, 2010

NEWS:Training on Torture and Human Rights Organized by JusticeMakers Bangladesh

Training for the young professional on Torture and Human Rights has been held on September 23, 2010 at HRDP Training Centre at Khulna. Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) together with Human Rights Development Project (HRDP), Khulna organized the event. Adv. Shahanur Islam Saikot, recipient of JusticeMakers fellowship-10, awarded by International Bridges to Justice, Switzerland and also executive Director of BIHR conducted the training session as trainer. Thirty young participants from difference professional of the different district across the southern part of the country attend the event to increase their capacity as well as their knowledge about the international human rights instruments available to them.
Amongst of them, 15 participants were lawyer by their profession, 4 were police and prison officials, 3 were judicial officials, 5 were journalist and rest of 3 were human rights activist who are directly with the uphold the justice of Bangladesh. They were trained to be a muster trainer within the human rights field to build up awareness on torture and human rights in community level like school, college, village etc. Finally, two young participants have been selected as master trainer for further information session which would be held on next year.

The participants are seen to lessening the lecture during training session
During the training session, Mr. Shahanur used different teaching techniques. He distributed informational materials; deliver lectures, making use of Power Point presentations, conduct brainstorming sessions, etc. The programme covers the concepts, definitions and origins of human rights, discuss details about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), as well as focus on specific articles of the UDHR. Mr. Shananur also makes a comparison between the Constitution of People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the UDHR.

Adv. Shahanur Islam Saikot, Recipient of JusticeMakers Fellow 10 is seen to delivers his lecture during the training session
He also discusses the concept and definition of torture as well as the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the Committee Against Torture (CAT).  He discussed about Article 14 of CAT, which has been reserved by the Bangladesh Government, when the government of Bangladesh ratified the CAT, what the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT) implies and how it affects Bangladesh. Further more he mentioned why withdraw of reservation on Article 14 is necessary to eliminate torture in Bangladesh.
Adv. Aloka Nanda Das, Special Public Prosecutor is seen delver her during the inauguration session
Beside this, an inauguration session was held around at 9 am on the same day. Presided over by the Adv. Sunil Chandra Das, vice president of HRDP; Adv, Firoz Ahmed, publice Prosecutor (PP) of Khulna judge Court lunch the programme as the chief guest. Beside this, Adv. Aloka Nanda Das, Special Publice Procutor of the special tribunal for the prevention of women and Children repression and well as Mr. Saheb Ali, secretary of Khulna Press club were present the inauguration ceremony as special guest. The whole programme was covered by the local eight Bengali newspapers with special attention.

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