Tuesday, September 7, 2010

URGENT APPEAL:Bangladesh: Religiously motivated attack against a Hindu temple

The Hague, The Netherlands

URGENT APPEAL:Bangladesh: Religiously motivated attack against a Hindu temple.
ISSUES:  Minority rights, physical assault, forced eviction, threats, religious destruction, police negligence, corruption.

Dear Friends,

Between the 19th- 21st of August 2010 GHRD Dhaka together with Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) investigated the attack against a Hindu temple at the Sutapur District. 11 families were forcefully evicted and another 20 families were threatened to leave their home immediately. One woman, Eva Ghosh was dragged by her hair.

Case Details
On the night of the 11th of August a 300 years old Hindu temple was attacked by 20-25 perpetrators. The perpetrators used hand grenades during the attack and several parts of the temple were destroyed: they destroyed 25 doors and windows, desecrated Hindu deities and looted valuables amounting to 15.00.000 Taka. Valuables belonging to the temple such as sacred images were also looted or destroyed. A man belonging to the community was severely beaten when he tried to stop the perpetrators.
11 resident families (of total 33 members) were forcefully evicted.  Another 20 families (with a total of 69 members) were threatened to leave their homes immediately. Eva Ghosh was also assaulted.During the incident, the victims asked the police station to take necessary action to help and to prevent further violations, yet, no actions or initiatives were taken by the police. Instead, according to statement of eyewitness, the police assisted the perpetrators by asking the victims to leave their home.

One of the men belonging to the community, Sawpan Saha Banik, has lodged a FIR at the Sutrapur police station which has been recorded under Case No. 29/504, date: 17.08.2010 under section 448, 447, 103, 506 of the Penal Code.
 On 20 August, 2010 GHRD Dhaka submitted an appeal by Sawpan Saha Banik stating that Mr. Banik was forced to make a complaint by Sub Inspector of Police, Sutrapur Police Station: Mr. Mohammad Selim Reza. Mr. Banik was threatened to sign the complaint, which did not mention the demolishing of the temple and which stated that “the temple was sold by someone” (thus giving the perpetrators the right to occupy it).

Then, on 20 August 2010 Mr. Sawpan Saha Banik decided to file a supplementary FIR at above mentioned Police station. This was done in order to correct his previous allegation stating “the temple was sold by someone”, and to supplement the previous FIR with sections 295, 295 (a) of the Penal Code and section 10 (2) of the Prevention of the Women and Children Repression Act 2000 (amended in 2003).

According to his statement, after the perpetrators got bail from court on the 19th of August, they threatened the victims again. According to the victim, on 20th of August, in addition, there was a bombing.

A number of human rights organizations have protested against this act and demanded that the perpetrators should be brought to justice. Students at the Dhaka University arranged a demonstration to demand the restoration and reconstruction of the temple as well as the safety of the minority community. The incident has also been covered by different newspapers (Daily Amar Desh, Daily Ittefaq).

Suggested Action:
GHRD condemns this attack against the Hindu temple and families and urges the authorities to investigate this serious allegation of police negligence and corruption, and to make the findings available in a report as soon as possible.
It is particularly worrying that although the victim(s) asked for police assistance, no actions were taken to stop the violation. Moreover, according to the victims, the police assisted the perpetrators. The perpetrators must be brought to justice and adequate compensation should be arranged for the families.
Specifically, we urge upon the authorities:
1.      To ensure the rehabilitation of the evicted victims;
2.      To ensure an impartial investigation in order to bring those responsible to justice and prevent impunity;
3.      To ensure exemplary punishment of the perpetrators who were directly or indirectly involved in this violation of human rights;
4.      To ensure the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards;
5.      To provide human rights education and training both to the public and government authorities in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards.

Thank you. 

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