Monday, March 1, 2010

GANG RAPE:A Fifteen year old indigenous girl from the Hazong community was gang raped: Victim & her family members are being intimidated to withdraw the case.

A fifteen year old indigenous girl from the Hazong community has been gang raped by a gang of local Bengali lechers at Bandra village in Moddhonagar police station under Sunamgong district. On 26 February 2010 around 6.30 pm, Angoli Hajong, daughter of Shailon Hazong was abducted while washing her face at the tube well in front of her house. Her family at the time was engaged in their daily chores outside of the house. She was taken to the baank of nearby Moheskhali River tighten her mouth by towel (Gamsa) and repeatedly raped mercilessly. The alleged perpetrators are Al Amin, Shimul, Nirob, Mojnu and Alamgir.  The perpetrators left her there when she became unconscious.

By night time, her family began to search for her when she remained absent. By 8 pm that evening, she was found unconscious by the side of the Moheskhali River. On 27 February 2010 family members of the victim tried to lodge a complaint against the perpetrators at Moddhonagar Police station but the officer in charge refused to file it. Later, with the help of the Hazong community leader, a case has been filed against the five perpetrators by Mr. Nayeb Hajong who is the uncle of the victim. The case number is 7/9-1/30 dated 27.02.2010 under Nari O Shishu Nirjaton Doman Bishesh Ain. Moreover the medical examination has been completed by the RMO of Sunamgong district yet no perpetrators have been arrested. Furthermore the victim’s family is being intimidated to withdraw the case by a local influential Bengali community leader.

BIHR has taken the initiative to talk to the officer in charge of Moddhonagar Police station on 28 February 2010 around at 7:14 pm. and the OC said that there is no incident regarding the rape of a Hazong girl since no case had been filed under his jurisdiction. He refused to give out anymore information regarding this incident.

Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR), Bangladesh Rehabilitation Center for Trauma Victims (BRCT) and Bangladesh Hasong Development Association is deeply concerned and demand that the perpetrators be brought to justice as well as give the exemplary punishment by arresting them immediately. It also demands that the victim and her family be given adequate financial, physiological and psychological support ASAP

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