Wednesday, January 6, 2010

URGENT APPEAL: Take action - or I will

To  Kevin Rudd, Barack Obama, José Manuel Barroso, Brian Mikkelsen
Subject  Take action - or I will

Barack Obama, President of the United States
Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia
José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission

CC: Brian Mikkelsen, Danish Minister of Justice

Faced with the unique opportunity to stop climate change in Copenhagen, world leaders offered instead an historic failure.  In sharp contrast, we and the world's environment, hunger, and justice groups are mobilizing the largest movement civil society has ever witnessed, to demand a fair, ambitious, legally binding climate treaty.

I stand in solidarity with those who have taken non-violent direct action or committed peaceful acts of civil disobedience to demand climate justice. That includes the four Greenpeace activists who were detained without trial in Denmark for holding up banners at a head of state dinner. I have contributed to their action by supporting Greenpeace -- financially, morally, or in my day to day life.  If the response of governments to the threat of climate change is going to be preventive detention of those likely to support or commit acts of civil disobedience, count me among the 15 million people you may need to round up.

I urge you to recognise that civil disobedience to demand action against so grave a threat is an act of community service.

Yours faithfully,

Adv. Shahanur Islam Saikot
Executive Director
Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR)
27, Bijoynagar, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

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