Wednesday, February 25, 2009

URGENT APPEAL: Bangladesh: Student Leader of Sunni Religion Brutally Tortured by Policemen

Appeal: Bangladesh: Student Leader of Sunni Religion Brutally Tortured by Policemen
Dear Friends,
Global Human Rights Defence (GHRD) is deeply concerned about information received by the Bangladesh Institute for Human Rights (BIHR) regarding a student league leader that has been brutally tortured by Policemen on 9 November 2007 in Bangladesh. The victim is a 29 year old student in his seventh semester of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Queens in Dhaka. Early in the morning on 9 November 2007 he was tortured in his own home by the guards of the residence. The names of the 7 guards that were on duty that morning are known, together with the names of the 7 conspirators to the torture.

On 9 November 2007 between 12.15 am and 1.30 am, for the duration of 45 minutes the victim was tortured. The 7 perpetrators who where on duty under the Gaur Nadi Police Station were knocking at the main door of the victim who was living there to care for his old grandfather. The servant opened the door and asked for their identity. At first they refused and demanded her to open the door. When she insisted they disclose their identity, they introduced themselves as men of the administrative and again demanded her to open the door. Finally they kicked in the door and stormed into the house. At this time, the victim was sleeping in his room. The victim fled through the back door of his room, but unfortunately he was caught by the policemen as he was reaching the door of the house next door. The policemen then proceeded to torture him severely. They slapped him, kicked him with their boots and hit him with their rifle bats and baton. The victim fell down on the ground and was then kicked upon his chest with boots as well as poked with the sharp part of the rifle all around his body. The perpetrators also verbally insulted him and threatened to kill him in a crossfire incident. As he begged for his life, neighbours awoke and attempted to help him, but the guards assured that there was nothing to worry about as they were simply doing their job and catching a common thief. As his neighbors recognized him, they continued to prohibit the torture so the policemen were forced to admit him to the local health complex as an accident patient. As his condition deteriorated, the health complex authority referred him to the Barishal Shere Bangla Medical College Hospital on the same day where he was treated from 09 November to 12 November 2007. He was then admitted to the National Institute of Kidney Disease and Urology (NIKDU) in Dhaka on 13 November 2007 for better treatment until the 24 November 2007, as was advised by a doctor of the Shere Bangla Medical College Hospital, Barisha. Following this, he was admitted to the Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victim's (BRCT) clinic and still he is under treatment. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: With regards to the violations it is known that there had been an illegal relation between two of the known conspirators. The incident of illegal relation was disclosed to all people of the village and was also published on daily news paper at a local and even national level. Arbitration meetings were set up at a local level with regards to these activities, at which the victim gave a statement as a witness against the two conspirators and also protested against their illegal activity at personal level. As a result they were upset with him and sought revenge. The conspirators then gave illegal money as a bribe to the guards involved in order to plan the brutal revenge and even encouraged for the victim to be killed.
The victim was brutally tortured by members of a law enforcing agency who were illegally influenced by his rival group. This is not only a violation of the Constitutional law of the state (article 35(5)), but also a violation of many international human rights conventions such as the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT), to which Bangladesh has been a party since October 1998. However, it is well known that torture is endemic in police stations in Bangladesh and the government has failed to take genuine action to eliminate such brutal practice of the police despite its treaty obligation under the CAT.
In light of the above, GHRD strongly urges the local police authorities to follow-up on the investigation of this case and to bring the perpetrators to justice. The victims must receive necessary legal assistance and adequate compensation for the damages caused. In order to help, please print this letter and send it to the relevant authorities found below:
1. Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed Chief Advisor Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Office of the Chief Advisor Tejgaon, Dhaka BANGLADESH Tel: +880 2 8828160-79, 9888677 Fax: +880 2 8113244 or 3243 or 1015 or 1490
2. Mr. Mohammad Ruhul Amin Chief Justice Supreme Court of Bangladesh Supreme Court Building Ramna, Dhaka-1000 BANGLADESH Tel: +880 2 9562792 Fax: +880 2 9565058
3. Mr. Nur Mohammad Inspector General of Police Bangladesh Police Police Headquarters' Fulbaria, Dhaka-1000 BANGLADESH Tel: +880 2 9562054 or 7176451 or 7176677 Fax: +880 2 9563362 or 9563363
4. Barrister Fida M Kamal Attorney General of Bangladesh Office of the Attorney General Supreme Court Building Ramna, Dhaka-1000 BANGLADESH Tel: +800 2 9562868 Fax: +800 2 9561568

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