Wednesday, August 15, 2007

STATEMENT:Patronization of Fundamentalist Militant by The Lt. General Masud Uddin Chowdhury is Being Hailed by The Top Leaders of Those Militants

Adv. Shahanur Islam Saikot Programme Manager-Legal & Human Rights 
 On 13 August 2007, the daily Inquilab and many others daily Newspaper published exciting news item that Lt. General Masud Uddin Chwdhury the second senior most Army officer of Bangladesh Army and principal staff officer (p s o) to the Chief adviser stated that there is no fundamentalist terrorist in Bangladesh while he was speaking as a chief guest in a session of developing rule of engagement and combating terrorism held in Dhaka cantonment on 12 august 2007. But fact is that hundred and thousand of militants took training in Afganistan and participated with Taliban in Afganistan was against combine forces. After the fall of Taliban regime those trained militants returned to Bangladesh and started to impart arm and explosive training to the student of Islamic school (Madrasha). Their activities came to surface through grenade attack upon British High commissioner in 2004 at Sylhet. 21 August 2004 grenade attacked upon Sheikh Hasina and all top leaders off secular Democratic Party Bangladesh Awami League, 17 august 2005 massive and simultaneous bomb exploration all over the country, killing of judges, and explosion in the courts, killing lawyers and several others incidents. The law enforcing agencies have recovered huge quantities of arms, ammunitions, explosives, grandees, booklets about their plan of Taliban style government. Six militants leader have been sentenced to death and till today the law enforcing agency is to encounter with the militant even within capital city Dhaka. From such mysterious comment of Lt. general Masud Uddin Chowdhury, a top class of Bangladesh army, the democratic loving people of Bangladesh have become seriously confused as to whether the country is moving towards fundamentalist terrorism like Taliban of Afganistan. In order to save Bangladesh from the hands of fundamentalist terrorism election should not be delayed under the trap of photo-voter list rather to be held early on the basis of updated voter list as verdict by the Supreme Court of Bangladesh.

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