Wednesday, July 11, 2007

STATEMENT: Violation of Human Rights by Massive Detention Under special Power Act and Influence to Judiciary

By- Adv. Shahanur Islam Saikot Programme Manager-Legal & Human Rights 
 The present caretaker gov’t under Dr. Fakruddin Ahmed, the chief adviser of the caretaker government took over power on 11.01.2007 under the article of 58(C) of Bangladesh Constitution with the constitutional binding to hold parliamentary election and hand over power to the people representative within 90 days. But the gov’t is prolonging their power backed by Armed forces under Emergency Rule. This constitutional binding of holding free fair election is the prime object of the present caretaker gov’t. Previous two caretaker gov’t in 1996 and 2001 did the same. But the present caretaker gov’t in violation of constitution binding started massive arrest of political leaders, workers, businessmen and many others in the name of reform with a view to create panic so that the people of the Bangladesh can not rise their voice against unconstitutional prolonging of the power of the government. Since taking over power so far more than 2, 00,000 peoples have been suffering from prolong detention in the jail under special power act with out having opportunity of bail but the Higher Court. Such a massive detention without specific allegation and charge is a serious violation of human rights by the present care taker Government. Justice is the first priority to ensure human rights. The present Caretaker gov’t has set up special court for speedy trial of anti corruption cases against the important political persons of two major political parties BNP and Awami League, who were elected in previous election to run the gov’t alternatively for 10 years and 5 years respectively. The cases against them were investigated within limited time frame which has been decided by the gov’t by an ordinance. The hasty investigation and judgment within pre-decided short period has put the nation in to doubt about fair justice in those cases. This doubt has been enhanced for an unusual visit of Anti corruption Chairman Lt. Genl. (retd) Hasan Mashud Chowdhury to the chief justice and Attorney General on 08 July 07 in their office chamber. Reportedly he discussed about those anti Corruption cases which will be appealed to the High Court. Thus the Anti Corruption is trying to influence the chief justice so that the verdicts of the higher court do not go against Gov’t desire.Such Attitude of the gov’t clearly shows that they are more interested for punishment than proper judgment. This attitude of present gov’t will create scope of massive human rights violation in Bangladesh.

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